
By Plicatus EN in Economy 1269 views 18th January 2018 Video Duration: 00:06:51
This is a short film by MAYA Design created to put some perspective on one of the most powerful yet under appreciated design patterns for large scale resilie...

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Is Being Gay A Choice? Religion vs. Reality

**Disclaimer - There is an individual who goes by the username 'theRightizright' and/or 'Apollo Carroll' trolling...
**Disclaimer - There is an individual who goes by the username 'theRightizright' and/or 'Apollo Carroll' trolling these comments. He appears to be a fundamen...

Competing in the Green Economy

With our current renewable energy policy, the U.S. risks losing its competitive edge in the green economy. Applied...
With our current renewable energy policy, the U.S. risks losing its competitive edge in the green economy. Applied Materials President and CEO Michael Splinter asserts that doing nothing is neither a strategy, nor a policy and he will discuss innovative solutions to create new green-collar jobs and re-establish the U.S. as a technology leader.

Surviving One of the Deadliest Routes to Europe: Refugees at Sea

Desperate to escape conflict and poverty, thousands of migrants and refugees attempt the perilous journey to Europe...
Desperate to escape conflict and poverty, thousands of migrants and refugees attempt the perilous journey to Europe each year, with many crossing the Mediter...

America First, China Second #EverySecondCounts (Official)

China introduces Donald Trump to the greatest country in the world with his own words. The video that started it...
China introduces Donald Trump to the greatest country in the world with his own words. The video that started it all:

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Introductory Lecture

Clips from Dr Joe's Introductory Lecture of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. During this video, you will be...
Clips from Dr Joe's Introductory Lecture of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. During this video, you will be inspired, while you laugh, and enjoy learnin...

Giving a Patient a Bed Bath

This is a demonstration of how to give a patient a bath while they are in bed.

What adults can learn from kids | Adora Svitak

Wunderkind Adora Svitak sagt die Welt braucht "kindisches" denken: wagemutige Ideen, wilde Kreativität und speziell...
Wunderkind Adora Svitak sagt die Welt braucht "kindisches" denken: wagemutige Ideen, wilde Kreativität und speziell Optimismus. Die großen Träume von Kindern...

Why you will fail to have a great career | Larry Smith | TEDxUW

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Throughout his three-decade career here at...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Throughout his three-decade career here at the University of Waterloo, Larry Smith ha...

What are the universal Human rights?

The basic idea of ​​human rights is that each of us, regardless of who we are or where we were born, are entitled to...
The basic idea of ​​human rights is that each of us, regardless of who we are or where we were born, are entitled to the same fundamental rights and freedoms. That may sound easy, but it gets incredibly complicated as soon as we try to put this idea into practice. What are basic human rights? Who chooses them? Who ensures compliance - and how? Benedetta Berti explores the intricacies of human rights.
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