Why we shouldn’t shy away from sexual education | Dr. V. Chandra-Mouli | TEDxChisinau

By Thomas Hernandez in Education 2264 views 14th January 2017 Video Duration: 00:16:50
As an expert in adolescent sexual and reproductive health, Dr. V. Chandra – Mouli, explains that sexuality education is not just teaching about sex, reproduc...

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Talk Africa: Agricultural transformation in Africa

As countries across Sub-Saharan Africa grapple with the challenges of sustaining high levels of economic growth,...
As countries across Sub-Saharan Africa grapple with the challenges of sustaining high levels of economic growth, plunging commodity prices, and the effects o...

The shocking scale of our waste - and the myth of recycling | Irene Rompa | TEDxMidAtlantic

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. It's hard to comprehend...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. It's hard to comprehend the amount of plastic waste humans produce ...

Lillian Katz: Social Development: Establishing Meaningful Connections Among Children

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Important, touching 4-min video illustrating the person behind what we see, randomly, on the street. Ronald Davis,...
Important, touching 4-min video illustrating the person behind what we see, randomly, on the street. Ronald Davis, describes his life being homeless, and tea...

From disaster response to disaster prevention | Rachel Kyte | TEDxSendai (English)

As Vice President of Sustainable Development, Rachel leads the Bank's global work in agriculture, environment,...
As Vice President of Sustainable Development, Rachel leads the Bank's global work in agriculture, environment, energy, infrastructure, urban, and social deve...

‘Fission and Fusion’: peace, security and migration issues in contemporary Europe

Professor Hunud Kadouf, Dean, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Laws, International Islamic University, Malaysia

Stop Waiting for Life to Happen | Peter Sage | TED Talks

If you'd like the opportunity to be taught by Peter in London this October, then visit http://bit.ly/1UpWxqm...
If you'd like the opportunity to be taught by Peter in London this October, then visit http://bit.ly/1UpWxqm WEBSITE: http://www.petersage.com FACEBOOK: http...

The Social Responsibility of Education | Lisa Hehenberger | TEDxESADE

How can we contribute to society through our core competences? How can we have an impact beyond donating money or...

How can we contribute to society through our core competences? How can we have an impact beyond donating money or volunteering? Listen to Dr. Lisa Hehenberger as she talks about her own journey and the potential of venture philanthropy and get inspired to rethink the way you can use your education and expertise to have a greater impact on society. Lisa is a lecturer in Strategy Management at ESADE. She is a renowned expert on venture philanthropy and social impact investment. Lisa is a member of the European Commission's Expert Group on Social Business (GECES) and of the OECD's Social Impact Investment Expert group. Until recently, she was the Research and Policy Director of the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA).


Christine Lagarde on the economic impact of the refugee crisis

The IMF Chief offers her unique insights on the economic impact of the refugee crisis, the future of Europe, and the...
The IMF Chief offers her unique insights on the economic impact of the refugee crisis, the future of Europe, and the outlook for the global economy. She shar...
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