Lucian is a passionate entrepreneur determined to create meaningful connections between the political world and citizens. Where others see lies and false pro...
Jaimie Cloud is passionate about inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and...
Jaimie Cloud is passionate about inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and their ability to influence it in an entirely new way. She shares new ideas to create conditions for life-long Education for Sustainability. Please click 'Like', leave a Comment, Subscribe to the TEDx Talks YouTube channel, and SHARE on Facebook. Thank you! Jaimie is the founder of the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education in New York City, and pioneer in the field of Education for Sustainability (EfS). She writes and publishes extensively, and consults, coaches and teaches in schools around the country and across the world. She has developed exemplary curriculum courses of study, and has produced a set of EfS Standards and Performance Indicators that schools are using to innovate their own curricula to educate for sustainability.
This lesson is part of an International Human Rights free online course. You may follow it in Udemy...
This lesson is part of an International Human Rights free online course. You may follow it in Udemy or in ...
Laura McDonald talks about politics, in particular as minorities living in non-Muslim countries, how we can get to...
Laura McDonald talks about politics, in particular as minorities living in non-Muslim countries, how we can get to involve in politics or even if we should b...
For more on this event, visit: For more on the Berkley Center, visit:...
For more on this event, visit: For more on the Berkley Center, visit: March 15, 2007 | Are "universa...
The statement was made by Ms Alicia Fengler on behalf of the International Federation of Medical Students'...
The statement was made by Ms Alicia Fengler on behalf of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations at the WHO Regional Committee for Eur...
My channel has mostly concentrated on helping people with their health and well being. But this video is about a...
My channel has mostly concentrated on helping people with their health and well being. But this video is about a homeless man that my band members and I alwa...
WMTW News 8 meteorologist Mallory Brooke examines the facts and fallacies about climate change. Subscribe to WMTW on...
WMTW News 8 meteorologist Mallory Brooke examines the facts and fallacies about climate change. Subscribe to WMTW on YouTube now for more:
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. POOF ! it's gone, lost...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. POOF ! it's gone, lost forever. I contend that "what we call histor...