We often think that poverty is the main driver of migration, that most of the world poor would leave their homes for a life elsewhere. But it’s not that simp...
The Power of Plant-Based Eating Dr. Joanne Kong; The Power of Plant-Based Eating This talk was given at a TEDx event...
The Power of Plant-Based Eating Dr. Joanne Kong; The Power of Plant-Based Eating This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but inde...
Everyone knows there is poverty in the world. But what exactly does that mean? These are 25 sobering statistics on...
Everyone knows there is poverty in the world. But what exactly does that mean? These are 25 sobering statistics on global poverty that might upset you. https...
Poverty: Facts, Theories and Remedies 31 January 2008 UP NISMED Convenor: Dr. Raul Fabella University of the...
Poverty: Facts, Theories and Remedies 31 January 2008 UP NISMED Convenor: Dr. Raul Fabella University of the Philippines Centennial Lecture Series (Thematic ...
Imagine the hottest day you've ever experienced. Now imagine it's six, 10 or 12 degrees hotter. According to climate...
Imagine the hottest day you've ever experienced. Now imagine it's six, 10 or 12 degrees hotter. According to climate researcher Alice Bows-Larkin, that's the...
According to this theory, nothing really happens in physical world. Physical world is just a manifestation of the...
According to this theory, nothing really happens in physical world. Physical world is just a manifestation of the our consciousness. It seems that ancient In...
Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony...
Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony Jack has a BA in Psychology and Philosop...
Ein Ring sie zu knechten und so... SCHAU NOCH 1 VIDEO ▶ https://youtu.be/Aqzus7r-U3s ABOMNIER MICH ►...
Ein Ring sie zu knechten und so... SCHAU NOCH 1 VIDEO ▶ https://youtu.be/Aqzus7r-U3s ABOMNIER MICH ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwCpW0IbR0Z2WJryfENq7jw...
In this insightful talk, Nat explains why we shouldn't call out hypocrites, and what to do instead. Too often, Nat...
In this insightful talk, Nat explains why we shouldn't call out hypocrites, and what to do instead. Too often, Nat says, we use the hypocrisy of others as an...