In his pursuit of uncovering the strategy behind ISIS youth recruitment, Apurv Gupta moves beyond theological...
In his pursuit of uncovering the strategy behind ISIS youth recruitment, Apurv Gupta moves beyond theological connotations and enters the realm of psychologi... ---RINGLING BROS. CIRCUS ARE THE LARGEST CRUELTY CRIMINALS IN U.S. HISTORY FINED... ---RINGLING BROS. CIRCUS ARE THE LARGEST CRUELTY CRIMINALS IN U.S. HISTORY FINED $270,000 FOR 27 FEDERAL AWA VIOLATIONS UNDER GOV...
Clouds affect the energy Earth receives, keeps and emits back to space -- it's all a matter of balance. Dr. Bruce...
Clouds affect the energy Earth receives, keeps and emits back to space -- it's all a matter of balance. Dr. Bruce Wielicki is senior scientist for Earth scie...
In the debut of Reality Check, Ben Shapiro takes on Ben Affleck and the myth that only a tiny minority of Muslims...
In the debut of Reality Check, Ben Shapiro takes on Ben Affleck and the myth that only a tiny minority of Muslims worldwide are radical.
Elderly persons with dementia may present with challenging behaviors over the course of the illness. This video...
Elderly persons with dementia may present with challenging behaviors over the course of the illness. This video demonstrates skills that may be used by careg...
Robbyn Peters Bennett, LMHC, CMHS is a psychotherapist, educator, and child advocate who specializes in the...
Robbyn Peters Bennett, LMHC, CMHS is a psychotherapist, educator, and child advocate who specializes in the treatment of trauma-related mental health problem...
Everyday corruption can seem almost impossible to fight. However, there are definitely ways to fight it. Check out...
Everyday corruption can seem almost impossible to fight. However, there are definitely ways to fight it. Check out this video to find out 10 ways you could f...