What role can schools play in the pathway to youth mental health care?

By Sherri Mosher in Children & Youth 1592 views 5th January 2017 Video Duration: 01:00:00
Mental Disorders constitute the single largest burden of disease in young people. About 70% can be diagnosed prior to age 25, with the peak incidence occurri...

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Hungering for a Healthy Start in Rwanda

Catholic Relief Services is working with communities in Rwanda to end child malnutrition. Classes in farming and the...
Catholic Relief Services is working with communities in Rwanda to end child malnutrition. Classes in farming and the preparation of nutritious meals hope to ...

Victoria Ivanova: Mediating Freedom - Human Rights and Contemporary Art

Series 2.1: POST-CONTEMPORARY Contemporary art, as the name says, is the art of its time: it belongs to the present...
Series 2.1: POST-CONTEMPORARY Contemporary art, as the name says, is the art of its time: it belongs to the present in which it takes place. Moreover, that p...

US Veterans: Not Forgotten (RT Documentary)

The USA’s military conflicts have produced millions of veterans. Many have a tough time reintegrating into society:...
The USA’s military conflicts have produced millions of veterans. Many have a tough time reintegrating into society: vets account for around 10% of America’s ...

Jake Wood: A new mission for veterans -- disaster relief

Nachdem sie monate- oder jahrelang im Ausland gekämpft haben, sagen 92 Prozent der amerikanischen Veteranen, dass...
Nachdem sie monate- oder jahrelang im Ausland gekämpft haben, sagen 92 Prozent der amerikanischen Veteranen, dass sie ihren Dienst fortsetzen möchten; gleich...

TSC Sports Academy : Street Child to Soccer Star Documentary; FUNDED BY BT SPORT - SUPPORTERS CLUB

This documentary show the work that is done by Tanzania Street Children (TSC) Sports Academy in Mwanza, Tanzania....
This documentary show the work that is done by Tanzania Street Children (TSC) Sports Academy in Mwanza, Tanzania. Funded and filmed by BT Sports - Supporters...

The Role of Local Institutions in Climate Change Adaptation

Effective local institutions are central to society's ability to respond to the impacts of climate change. Our...
Effective local institutions are central to society's ability to respond to the impacts of climate change. Our capacity to adapt is dependent on a wide range...

Storming Spain's Razor-Wire Fence: Europe Or Die (Episode 1/4)

Since 2000, more than 27,000 migrants and refugees have died attempting the perilous journey to Europe. With an...
Since 2000, more than 27,000 migrants and refugees have died attempting the perilous journey to Europe. With an unprecedented number of people breaking throu...

WHO: Better Health for Women, Children and Adolescents - Interview at "World Health +SocialGood"

A panel of four experts were interviewed about this issue on 20th of May during the World Health Assembly 2015, as...
A panel of four experts were interviewed about this issue on 20th of May during the World Health Assembly 2015, as part of the webcast entitled "World Health...

Why journalism needs a revolution | Natalia Antelava | TEDxTbilisi

Why do stories in the news seem to suddenly appear from nowhere? And has the misuse of the Internet made this...
Why do stories in the news seem to suddenly appear from nowhere? And has the misuse of the Internet made this phenomenon worse? Award-winning journalist Nata...
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