Between the ages of 25 and 35 many women are making important decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. You may be focussed on pursuing your career...
The journey from girl to young woman is an incredibly exciting one. From exploring relationships and sex, to discovering independence, young women groThe journey from girl to young woman is an incredibly exciting one. From exploring relationships and sex, to discovering independence, young women grow increasingly aware of the way they feel both physically and emotionally. More ...
Professor of leadership, diplomacy, and negotiation, Valon talks on the importance of self- awareness through...
Professor of leadership, diplomacy, and negotiation, Valon talks on the importance of self- awareness through sharing his multidisciplinary education and int...
Donald Trump's calls to ban Syrian and Muslim refugees from entering the country has been a centerpiece of his...
Donald Trump's calls to ban Syrian and Muslim refugees from entering the country has been a centerpiece of his campaign. This week, he will be formally named...
Visit Korea, Peru, Germany and France pavilions at COP21 and watch a presentation of the NAMAs. The UNFCCC...
Visit Korea, Peru, Germany and France pavilions at COP21 and watch a presentation of the NAMAs. The UNFCCC secretariat and the Climate Technology Centre and ...
Kristina Touzenis, International Migration Law Unit, International Office for Migration, talks about the rights of...
Kristina Touzenis, International Migration Law Unit, International Office for Migration, talks about the rights of migrants. She was speaking at the policy f...
William Binney steps down from 37 years at NSA to speak out against the growing State Surveillance by the US...
William Binney steps down from 37 years at NSA to speak out against the growing State Surveillance by the US Government on it's own citizens. Source: Democra...
How the current Internet culture undermines the authority of experts and professionals BE BRIGHT: "With the...
How the current Internet culture undermines the authority of experts and professionals BE BRIGHT: "With the internet, we're supposed to be social. But the re...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request,...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request, please send a message to digicomm@uchica...
VICE's Ryan Duffy went to Colombia to check out a strange and powerful drug called Scopolamine, also known as "The...
VICE's Ryan Duffy went to Colombia to check out a strange and powerful drug called Scopolamine, also known as "The Devil's Breath." It's a substance so inten...