HRC joined members of Congress last night for a vigil on the steps of the U.S. Capitol honoring the 49 LGBTQ people and allies -- almost all Latinx and young...
Brian's presentation Gay issues in the Workplace. This is part of a segment from Brian's trainings with corporate...
Brian's presentation Gay issues in the Workplace. This is part of a segment from Brian's trainings with corporate executives around the world. For more infor...
Please share this with friends and loved ones. Join the campaign: music:...
Please share this with friends and loved ones. Join the campaign: music: Oliver Tank - Last Night I Heard Everything ...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Creating 'greener'...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Creating 'greener' buildings will help address climate change... ri...
Agriculture is feeding the world’s 7.3 billion people but at an unbearable social and environmental cost. Clayton...
Agriculture is feeding the world’s 7.3 billion people but at an unbearable social and environmental cost. Clayton Campanhola, Director of the FAO Plant Produ...
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem...
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of ...
Wir alle glauben an etwas. Unser Glaube kann uns vereinen aber auch trennen. Er kann uns retten oder uns zu...
Wir alle glauben an etwas. Unser Glaube kann uns vereinen aber auch trennen. Er kann uns retten oder uns zu Außenseitern machen. Er kann Frieden und Nächsten...
Nuhu Ribadu "When you fight corruption, it fights back" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in a complex World"...
Nuhu Ribadu "When you fight corruption, it fights back" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in a complex World" ( Nuhu Ribadu is founding ch...
Scholar and author Richard Ford, who teaches comparative equality law, employment discrimination and local...
Scholar and author Richard Ford, who teaches comparative equality law, employment discrimination and local government law at Stanford Law School, says it is ...
Julien argues how we see the World through cultural glasses. By changing the glasses you can change the way you...
Julien argues how we see the World through cultural glasses. By changing the glasses you can change the way you interpret the World. Julien is the founder of...