Wir alle glauben an etwas. Unser Glaube kann uns vereinen aber auch trennen. Er kann uns retten oder uns zu Außenseitern machen. Er kann Frieden und Nächsten...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request,...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request, please send a message to digicomm@uchica...
Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-BROADLY Where the foothills of Mount Kenya merge into the desert, the...
Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-BROADLY Where the foothills of Mount Kenya merge into the desert, the people of Samburu have maintained a strict pa...
Watch the newest VICE feature on Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin: http://bit.ly/2aB2Ead Check Out The VICE...
Watch the newest VICE feature on Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin: http://bit.ly/2aB2Ead Check Out The VICE Podcast with José Mujica: http://www.vice....
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day,...
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day, access to healthcare remains an issue. No...
Visit Study.com for thousands more videos like this one. You'll get full access to our interactive quizzes and...
Visit Study.com for thousands more videos like this one. You'll get full access to our interactive quizzes and transcripts and can find out how to use our vi...
At what point of time do we realize that India's agriculture problems are actually everyone's problems? Even the...
At what point of time do we realize that India's agriculture problems are actually everyone's problems? Even the most oblivious are not unfamiliar with the b...
The first Syrian refugees has arrived in Azraq in Jordan, a a new refugee camp with the capacity to host up to...
The first Syrian refugees has arrived in Azraq in Jordan, a a new refugee camp with the capacity to host up to 130,000 refugees from the war in Syria. NRC ha...