Poverty Policy Isn't Just About Better Schools | Tosha Downey | TEDxMemphis

Por Samantha Ross en Erradicación de la Pobreza 1369 views 14th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:12:26
Tosha Downey discusses the complex issue of solving poverty. Tosha Downey is Director of Advocacy for Teacher Town Memphis, a partner organization in the cit...

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How To Survive While Being Homeless

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These are some tips I've learned while living on the street. I hope you never need to know this stuff but should you ever have to, I hope this advice come of...

Small fish and nutrition in Bangladesh

More than 30% of Bangladeshis suffer from undernutrition, consuming insufficient quantities of vitamin A, iron and...
More than 30% of Bangladeshis suffer from undernutrition, consuming insufficient quantities of vitamin A, iron and zinc. To help improve nutrition security i...

How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

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Top 5 - Mistakes dealing with disabled people

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Disability discrimination downloads: http://bit.ly/1KRr8vd If we’re not used to dealing with disabled people, we may feel awkward when we come across someone...

Does Science & Technology Studies Matter and to Whom?

In this session of the April 7-9, 2011 conference "Science and Technology Studies: The Next Twenty," Theodore Porter...
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The Era of Corporate Social Responsibility is Ending | Rachel Hutchisson | TEDxWilmington

Rachel Hutchisson's talk is about why the end of Corporate Social Responsibility is A GOOD THING. Why is it a good...

Rachel Hutchisson's talk is about why the end of Corporate Social Responsibility is A GOOD THING. Why is it a good thing? Because it will be replaced, by "Human Social Responsibility." Hutchisson outlines why the phrase Corporate Social Responsibility is so problematic, before offering her advice to businesses of all sizes in how to identify and operate a successful program. The key? Listening and empowering the workers of the business, and listening to your community. Hutchisson ends her talk with a call to leadership -- Keep the HUMANS central.


Catholic Relief Services | 100&Change: The Finalists Live Presentation

The four finalists in global competition for a single $100 million grant presented compelling solutions to a...
The four finalists in global competition for a single $100 million grant presented compelling solutions to a critical problem of our time at 100&Change: The ...
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