TRAINING COURSE ON “INTERNET AND HUMAN RIGHTS FOR POLICY MAKERS” Session 3: POLITICAL ACTORS United States, European Union role in Internet Governance, Counc...
For information on Australian Human Rights Commission resources on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous...
For information on Australian Human Rights Commission resources on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, see
View full lesson: The photo director for...
View full lesson: The photo director for National Geographic David Griffin knows the powe...
Meet Khit San: a 27-year-old activist leading his generation to build a more just and peaceful society in Burma....
Meet Khit San: a 27-year-old activist leading his generation to build a more just and peaceful society in Burma. Watch his remarkable story and learn more: h...
The best science shows that the chance of having one or more magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquakes in California over...
The best science shows that the chance of having one or more magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquakes in California over the next 30 years is greater than 99%. Su...
China's rapid urbanization has resulted in over 260 million migrantworkers as of 2012, many of whom have to leave...
China's rapid urbanization has resulted in over 260 million migrantworkers as of 2012, many of whom have to leave their home to work faraway. As a result, th...
Hatten Sie jemals das Gefühl, dass sie zwar reden, aber niemand Ihnen zuhört? Julian Treasure schafft Abhilfe. In...
Hatten Sie jemals das Gefühl, dass sie zwar reden, aber niemand Ihnen zuhört? Julian Treasure schafft Abhilfe. In diesem nützlichen Vortrag zeigt der Klangex...
Paul Miller is an American Technology Journalist from Springfield, Missouri and senior editor for The Verge. During...
Paul Miller is an American Technology Journalist from Springfield, Missouri and senior editor for The Verge. During the past year he decided to disconnect fr...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In addition to this years...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In addition to this years TEDwish, TEDxParamaribo proudly announces...