How Social Magazines Can Help the Magazine Industry

Por Plicatus EN en Medios de Comunicación 1189 views 14th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:26:43
First there was Flipboard. Its success and popularity spawned competitors like Yahoo Livestand, Zite, NewsMix, Google Currents and others all trying to curat...

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Fixing Racism - racism is at the root of many of humanity’s evils | Gurdeep Parhar | TEDxStanleyPark

Our subconscious bias often leads to racial stereotyping which can result in misunderstandings, discrimination, and...
Our subconscious bias often leads to racial stereotyping which can result in misunderstandings, discrimination, and even violence. Some of the worst atrociti...

How Corrupt is Britain? - Dave Whyte & Luke Hildyard Over 2,700 people gathered in central Lond...

The family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained | Joseph Kim

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How the blockchain will radically transform the economy | Bettina Warburg

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Virtual Communities of Social Media are Lifelines in Crisis Response

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What does it feel like to be old and alone?

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The charity Campaign to End Loneliness says that one million of us are already suffering from acute loneliness, while two and a half million over 60s fear th...
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