Anita is an editor at Mashable, and founder of The Other Wave, a website that explores film and television from a diverse perspective. She navigates the evol...
Leslie Morgan Steiner was in "crazy love" -- that is, madly in love with a man who routinely abused her and...
Leslie Morgan Steiner was in "crazy love" -- that is, madly in love with a man who routinely abused her and threatened her life. Steiner tells the dark story...
Like if you like it, sub if you speak anything close to spanish. Bueno chicos, creo que llego un poco tarde pero aun...
Like if you like it, sub if you speak anything close to spanish. Bueno chicos, creo que llego un poco tarde pero aun así, lo he lanzado porque no hay en YouT...
Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for europe in order to transform it before the crisis of the...
Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for europe in order to transform it before the crisis of the system crashes Europe. He studies all the d...
This interview was conducted after the "Mainstreaming!" event organised on the eve of the One Planet Summit in...
This interview was conducted after the "Mainstreaming!" event organised on the eve of the One Planet Summit in Paris. More information on the Climate Action ...
For millennia, most human lives have been spent enduring extreme poverty, without enough food, medicine, education,...
For millennia, most human lives have been spent enduring extreme poverty, without enough food, medicine, education, freedom to live a decent life. If you wer...