As the oldest commercial television network in the UK, Independent Television (generally known as ITV) has employed many journalists and newsreaders to present its news programmes as well as to provide news reports and interviews during its long...
As the oldest commercial television network in the UK, Independent Television (generally known as ITV) has employed many journalists and newsreaders to present its news programmes as well as to provide news reports and interviews during its long history. Since the ITV network started Independent Television News Limited (ITN) has held the contract to produce national and international news for the ITV Network. Meanwhile, the regional ITV stations have provided local news programmes tailored for their regional audiences.
Non-profit journalism (abbreviated as NPJ, also known as a not-for-profit journalism or think tank journalism) is the practice of journalism as a non-profit organization instead of a for-profit business. NPJ groups are able to operate and serve...
Non-profit journalism (abbreviated as NPJ, also known as a not-for-profit journalism or think tank journalism) is the practice of journalism as a non-profit organization instead of a for-profit business. NPJ groups are able to operate and serve the public good without the concern of debt, dividends and the need to make a profit. Just like all non-profit organizations, NPJ outfits depend on private donations and or foundation grants to pay for operational expenses.
A journalist is a person who collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the public. A journalist's work is called journalism. A journalist can work with general issues or specialize in certain issues. However, most...
A journalist is a person who collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the public. A journalist's work is called journalism. A journalist can work with general issues or specialize in certain issues. However, most journalists tend to specialize, and by cooperating with other journalists, produce journals that span many topics. For example, a sports journalist covers news within the world of sports, but this journalist may be a part of a newspaper that covers many different topics.
A free and independent press is vital to any democracy, ensuring government accountability and a diversity of viewpoints. The Open Society Foundations support efforts that expand and protect press freedoms, increase public access to knowledge and information, include minority voices in media, and use the arts to address pressing social issues.
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Silence and secrecy are two of the most powerful tools that governments can employ to mute critics and cloak their actions from public scrutiny. The Open Society Foundations work to uphold the right to speak and to know—in order to support public involvement in government and accountability, and to challenge corruption and human rights...
Silence and secrecy are two of the most powerful tools that governments can employ to mute critics and cloak their actions from public scrutiny. The Open Society Foundations work to uphold the right to speak and to know—in order to support public involvement in government and accountability, and to challenge corruption and human rights abuses.
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of idea...
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This speech is about journalism-activism boundary and problems for women Journalists in Armenia. Gayane Abrahamyan is an award winning journalist raising mai...
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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Does the media reflect the reality of the world? Or does the inform...
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Why do stories in the news seem to suddenly appear from nowhere? And has the misuse of the Internet made this phenomenon worse? Award-winning journalist Nata...
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Anita is an editor at Mashable, and founder of The Other Wave, a website that explores film and television from a diverse perspective. She navigates the evol...
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About This Talk When Tom Rosenstiel is asked, "Has digital technology made journalism worse or better?" he has a quick answer: "Yes." In this talk, he explor...
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