Benefits of Chamber Membership for Your Business

Por Walter Downes en Economía 1161 views 11th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:56:13
There are many advantages of joining your local Chamber of Commerce. Attend this workshop and learn what the benefits are for your business including exposur...

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Why I live a zero waste life | Lauren Singer | TEDxTeen

Lauren is an Environmental Studies graduate from NYU and former Sustainability Manager at the NYC Department of...
Lauren is an Environmental Studies graduate from NYU and former Sustainability Manager at the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and the amount of t...

Introduction to Human Rights | Lesson 23: "Migration and Human Rights"

This lesson is part of an International Human Rights free online course. You may follow it in Udemy...
This lesson is part of an International Human Rights free online course. You may follow it in Udemy or in ...

History and Humanitarianism: Understanding humanitarian action - past, present and future

The latest film from the Arts and Humanities Research Council looks at how arts and humanities academics are working...
The latest film from the Arts and Humanities Research Council looks at how arts and humanities academics are working with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva to help refresh understanding on how principled humanitarian action is delivered, both in the past and today.

Supportive Environments for Youth with Complex Needs

This webinar will present new findings from the CYCC Network report exploring what makes a supportive service...
This webinar will present new findings from the CYCC Network report exploring what makes a supportive service environment that can help children and youth wi...

SPECTACULAR DISASTERS: Why CSR is Not Enough | Robert Ross | TEDxClarkUniversity

Robert J.S. "Bob" Ross is Research Professor of Sociology and the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise in...

Robert J.S. "Bob" Ross is Research Professor of Sociology and the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise in Clark University. The son of a teacher and a garment worker and the grandson of garment workers, Ross has cared deeply about workers and their conditions and has been learning and teaching about these matters since 1994. He is Vice-President of the Sweatfree Purchasing consortium, an organization of nineteen cities and states which are working to remove sweatshop labor from the supply chains of their public purchasing of uniforms. The author of Slaves to Fashion: Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshops, Ross has written extensively on the global apparel industry and labor conditions and workers’ rights in it. His writings on these and other issues have appeared in variety of professional and journalistic sources.


2030- SDG 13- Climate Action- Ted talks

A selection of talks to understand more about climate action. The thirteenth sustainable development goal for 2030.


Human Rights Violations Around The World

a project for global..... No copyright infringement itended. All songs are the authors own works i did not compose them.

Stanford researcher warns sixth mass extinction is here

There is no longer any doubt: We are entering a mass extinction that threatens humanity's existence. That is the bad...
There is no longer any doubt: We are entering a mass extinction that threatens humanity's existence. That is the bad news at the center of a new study by a g...

The Most Persecuted People In The World

Subscribe! Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims, one of the world's most "unwanted" people, face...
Subscribe! Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims, one of the world's most "unwanted" people, face abuse, and displacement by Buddhists. So why ...
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