The enduring power of radio to change lives | Sam Hall | TEDxBrixton

Por Plicatus EN en Medios de Comunicación 1352 views 14th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:14:11
Digital did not kill the radio star! In this passionate and energetic talk, DJ Sam Hall explains how radio still has the power to promote worldwide access to...

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America First, the Galactic Empire Second

Donald Trump seemed to have underestimated the power of the dark side. We're gonna show him how it's done the right...
Donald Trump seemed to have underestimated the power of the dark side. We're gonna show him how it's done the right way. And his lack of faith is disturbing ...

Raw Food Diet Documentary - part 1 of 2

Raw food diet and healthy lifestyle! Healthy food | A guide to healthy lifestyle -...
Raw food diet and healthy lifestyle! Healthy food | A guide to healthy lifestyle -

Why Japan's Women Problem Is Hard to Fix

In an attempt to bring more workers into Japan's shrinking economy, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has outlined goals to...
In an attempt to bring more workers into Japan's shrinking economy, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has outlined goals to create a "Japan in Which Women Shine," also known as "Womenomics." Bloomberg QuickTake explains why the government still faces serious deep rooted gender bias that excludes women from work.

Negroland was a Location: Tribe of Judah: Lost and Found

Black Hebrews were bought from the southern coast of Nigeria, formerly known as the Kingdom of Judah or Ouida....
Black Hebrews were bought from the southern coast of Nigeria, formerly known as the Kingdom of Judah or Ouida. Hebrews were also bought from Negroland. Just ...

Positivity: The Power of Choice | Samantha Rea | TEDxUofM

Samantha Rea talks about how optimism can be a choice, and that it is not always an easy one. Samantha Rea is a...
Samantha Rea talks about how optimism can be a choice, and that it is not always an easy one. Samantha Rea is a fourth year undergraduate student at U of M s...

Stop Waiting for Life to Happen | Peter Sage | TED Talks

If you'd like the opportunity to be taught by Peter in London this October, then visit
If you'd like the opportunity to be taught by Peter in London this October, then visit WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: http...

The Hidden Impacts of Climate Change

Diplomats from around the world have spent more than 20 years trying unsuccessfully to hammer out a United Nations...
Diplomats from around the world have spent more than 20 years trying unsuccessfully to hammer out a United Nations agreement on climate change. This year, wh...

NGO turns Prague's homeless into WIFI hotspots

For their work in the 'Wifi4Life' pilot the homeless get meals, clothing, allowances and decent accommodation. Like...
For their work in the 'Wifi4Life' pilot the homeless get meals, clothing, allowances and decent accommodation. Like what you see? Please subscribe https://ww...

Mass extinctions and the future of life on Earth | Michael Benton | TEDxThessaloniki

Are we really on the brink of a new mass extinction? Palaeontologist Michael Benton explains how scientists trace...
Are we really on the brink of a new mass extinction? Palaeontologist Michael Benton explains how scientists trace the history of life on Earth, examines the ...
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