The social responsibility of business | Alex Edmans | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool

Por William Foy en Iniciativas Sociales 1451 views 16th Enero 2017 Duración del video: 00:17:26
Alex Edmans talks about the long-term impacts of social responsibility and challenges the idea that caring for society is at the expense of profit. Alex is a...

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Cultural heritage: a basic human need - Sada Mire at TEDxEuston Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in... Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in Mogadishu, until 1991, when she settled in ...

A project of peace, painted across 50 buildings | eL Seed

eL Seed fuses Arabic calligraphy with graffiti to paint colorful, swirling messages of hope and peace on buildings...
eL Seed fuses Arabic calligraphy with graffiti to paint colorful, swirling messages of hope and peace on buildings from Tunisia to Paris. The artist and TED ...

Joseph Stiglitz on the Sustainable Development Goals #globalgoals

In his interview during the UNU-WIDER 30th Anniversary Conference 'Mapping the Future of Development Economics'...

In his interview during the UNU-WIDER 30th Anniversary Conference 'Mapping the Future of Development Economics' Nobel laureate in economics Professor Joseph Stiglitz gave an interview on the past and future challenges to development. When asked about the SDGs Professor Stiglitz said that he welcomes the new goals as they apply to all countries and embrace a wider meaning of development than simply growth in GDP. He also welcomes the number of goals, which are a testament to the influence this framework has in setting global norms that will underpin international development efforts.


TEDxMileHighSalon - Michael Huemer - The Irrationality of Politics

Michael Huemer focuses on the scope and nature of what we know, morality and truth. He is an expert at structuring...
Michael Huemer focuses on the scope and nature of what we know, morality and truth. He is an expert at structuring logical arguments the premises of which ar...

What I learned living in the slums | Phil America | TEDxSacramentoSalon

Phil America discovered the language of art and compassion while living in poverty in places like Burma, Morocco,...
Phil America discovered the language of art and compassion while living in poverty in places like Burma, Morocco, Algeria, and the slums of the U.S. Phil use...

Sex Education…With Pleasure | Victoria Beltran | TEDxUSFSP

What is missing from current sex education, besides correct medical information, current scientific data, and...
What is missing from current sex education, besides correct medical information, current scientific data, and misleading and religious talk? Pleasure! Talkin...

Why our Economic System is not Sustainable | Christian Kreiss | TEDxTUBerlin

This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating...
This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating rising inequality of wealth and income. ...

The #GlobalPOV Project: "Who Sees Poverty?" Pilot Video With Ananya Roy

Poverty exists. That it exists, that it persists, in the 21st century is an obscenity. We want to end this poverty....
Poverty exists. That it exists, that it persists, in the 21st century is an obscenity. We want to end this poverty. We want to make poverty history. But we h...

TedxVienna - Muhammad Yunus - A History of Microfinance Prof. Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi economist and... Prof. Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi economist and founder of the Grameen Bank, an institution ...
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