Learning to be awesome at anything you do, including being a leader | Tasha Eurich | TEDxMileHigh

Por Hector Jordan en Autosuperacion Personal 1479 views 10th Octubre 2016 Duración del video: 00:15:51
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Can we learn to lead, or is leadership something we're born with? I...

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How open data is changing international aid - Sanjay Pradhan

How do we make sure that development and aid money actually goes to the people who most need it? Sanjay Pradhan of...
How do we make sure that development and aid money actually goes to the people who most need it? Sanjay Pradhan of the World Bank Institute lays out three gu...

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Praktische Perspektiven von Thomas Beschorner

Unternehmensverantwortung, neudeutsch Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ist in aller Munde. In diesem animierten...
Unternehmensverantwortung, neudeutsch Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ist in aller Munde. In diesem animierten Videoclip wird den Fragen nachgegangen: ...

Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady & Heidi Ewing

Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady& Heidi Ewing CHECK US OUT: http://www.wetheeconomy.com Why does the...
Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady& Heidi Ewing CHECK US OUT: http://www.wetheeconomy.com Why does the U.S. fund foreign aid? The U.S. spends app...

Dr. David Matsumoto discusses culture and personality

Dr. David Matsumoto discusses the correlation between culture and personality. See more of his work at...
Dr. David Matsumoto discusses the correlation between culture and personality. See more of his work at http://www.humintell.com

From Refugee to Global Ambassador | Ger Duany | TEDxPlaceDesNations

Ger Duany woke up one morning to gunshots that eventually led to his becoming one of the “Lost Boys of Sudan”, a...
Ger Duany woke up one morning to gunshots that eventually led to his becoming one of the “Lost Boys of Sudan”, a child soldier, refugee, then US high school ...

The Hidden Homeless on College Campuses | Shawntae Harris | TEDxYDL

In 2016, a real news story about a homeless student at EMU surprised many, but he isn’t the only one. Shawntae...
In 2016, a real news story about a homeless student at EMU surprised many, but he isn’t the only one. Shawntae Harris helps homeless college students achieve...


http://picomdesign.com/portfolio/archelon-emergency-capsule/ ARCHELON EMERGENCY CAPSULE -- this capsule is designed...
http://picomdesign.com/portfolio/archelon-emergency-capsule/ ARCHELON EMERGENCY CAPSULE -- this capsule is designed to save and protect people in emergency s...

Life in the Slow Lane: Sustainable Fashion 101 | Tamara Jones | TEDxRyersonU

Fashion, employing 1 in 100 people, truly is a global industry, but in a world where the cost of everything -...

Fashion, employing 1 in 100 people, truly is a global industry, but in a world where the cost of everything - education, housing, even lattes, - is increasing, how is clothing becoming less expensive? This talk will introduce you to the environmental and social impacts of the fast fashion industry, and give you easy tips on how to live more sustainably. Tamara Jones is a student at Ryerson University with passions for environmental sustainability and social justice. As a Global Studies major, her background is in politics, business and history. Most recently, Tamara has been published in Ryerson University’s Undergraduate Research Journal, facilitated a seminar at University of Toronto’s International Development Conference and participated in the Youth Assembly at the United Nations to discuss the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In the coming months, she will be hosting a class about sustainable fashion where students will have the opportunity to make their own t-shirt from organic, fair-trade linen. In her personal life, Tamara is constantly researching and implementing ideas on how to lessen her impact on the environment while creating a positive impact on the global community..


Economics, Democracy, & The New World Order | Danny Quah | TEDxKL

The west historically have been dominating the global economy. With the rise of China and Asia, how would the world...

The west historically have been dominating the global economy. With the rise of China and Asia, how would the world change with the new center of economy being a non Western and European focus. Danny Quah is Professor of Economics and International Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Director of the Southeast Asia Centre at LSE’s new Institute of Global Affairs. He had previously served as LSE’s Head of Department for Economics and Council Member on Malaysia’s National Economic Advisory Council.

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