The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!

Por William Foy en Autosuperacion Personal 1464 views 16th Enero 2017 Duración del video: 00:10:45
[Free Gift ➡] Discover the SECRETS of the Happiest, Wealthiest, & Most Successful Minds in the World! - Click Here ➡ #1 Hack To C...

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UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda | Patrick Paul Walsh | TEDxFulbrightDublin

In his talk, Prof. Patrick Walsh discusses the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda as an agenda of the people,...

In his talk, Prof. Patrick Walsh discusses the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda as an agenda of the people, with the responsibility for implementation by the people, using their influence on Livelihoods, Civil Society, and Governance, to induce successful stakeholder partnership at local, national, regional and global levels. Patrick Paul Walsh is a Professor of International Development Studies in UCD, Ireland. He was a Senior Adviser to the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York during its input to the post 2015 Development Agenda, formally mandated by the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon. He also represented the UN Major Group for Science and Technology during the Inter-Governmental Negotiations that produced the UN 2030 Agenda Outcome Document in September 2015.


What if we helped refugees to help themselves? | Alexander Betts | TEDxVienna

Today, Europe is facing a mass influx of refugees, just as it did when Alexander Betts began working on this topics,...
Today, Europe is facing a mass influx of refugees, just as it did when Alexander Betts began working on this topics, 16 years ago. Politicians and the intern...

Joseph Stiglitz on the Sustainable Development Goals #globalgoals

In his interview during the UNU-WIDER 30th Anniversary Conference 'Mapping the Future of Development Economics'...

In his interview during the UNU-WIDER 30th Anniversary Conference 'Mapping the Future of Development Economics' Nobel laureate in economics Professor Joseph Stiglitz gave an interview on the past and future challenges to development. When asked about the SDGs Professor Stiglitz said that he welcomes the new goals as they apply to all countries and embrace a wider meaning of development than simply growth in GDP. He also welcomes the number of goals, which are a testament to the influence this framework has in setting global norms that will underpin international development efforts.


Green Growth: A New Model for Sustainable Development in Asia

To achieve sustainable economic growth in Asia, a new economic model is needed that boosts development, reduces...
To achieve sustainable economic growth in Asia, a new economic model is needed that boosts development, reduces poverty, and provides a high quality of life.

JANE.ECO Green Economy full trailer HD720

JANE.ECO - the revolution in the rainforest protection

Magazines for social change

Live Futures Ltd is a not-for-profit company that uses magazines and media to empower and improve the lives of young...
Live Futures Ltd is a not-for-profit company that uses magazines and media to empower and improve the lives of young people in London. Live Magazine is socia...

Tax Havens - Investigating International Finance - Episode 1

Used by wealthy individuals and companies to shift huge sums of money around the world in secret, tax havens cost...
Used by wealthy individuals and companies to shift huge sums of money around the world in secret, tax havens cost governments and ordinary taxpayers billions of pounds. International efforts to tackle tax havens to date have been feeble, but there's no reason why action can't be taken. How can we put a end to such widespread tax evasion?

China: Hyping a Green Economy

Is there a green revolution in China, and if so can it make a difference? Jennifer Richmond cautions against...
Is there a green revolution in China, and if so can it make a difference? Jennifer Richmond cautions against current spin that Beijing is a major proponent of embracing climate change.

Anti-Corruption Training Video

Training Video Project for a Fictional Corporation
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