Unlimited Counseling CEUs for $59 https://www.allceus.com/ Specialty Certificate tracks starting at $89 https://www.allceus.com/certificate-tracks/ Live Webi...
Top 10 rich celebrities who are actually dirt poor before all the fame. Subscribe to our channel:...
Top 10 rich celebrities who are actually dirt poor before all the fame. Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact u...
Die meisten von uns wollen das Richtige für die Umwelt tun. Aber die Dinge sind nicht so einfach wie der Griff zur...
Die meisten von uns wollen das Richtige für die Umwelt tun. Aber die Dinge sind nicht so einfach wie der Griff zur Papiertüte, sagt Nachhaltigkeits-Strategin...
Meet the Phiri Family, World Renew's representative family in Zambia. World Renew's Free a Family® program helps...
Meet the Phiri Family, World Renew's representative family in Zambia. World Renew's Free a Family® program helps families overcome poverty through community ...
The British data firm described as “pivotal” in Donald Trump’s presidential victory was behind a ‘data grab’ of more...
The British data firm described as “pivotal” in Donald Trump’s presidential victory was behind a ‘data grab’ of more than 50 million Facebook profiles, a whistleblower has revealed to Channel 4 News. In an exclusive television interview, Chris Wylie, former Research Director at Cambridge Analytica tells all.
http://www.tedxeuston.com Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in...
http://www.tedxeuston.com Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in Mogadishu, until 1991, when she settled in ...
A million refugees arrived in Europe this year, says Alexander Betts, and "our response, frankly, has been...
A million refugees arrived in Europe this year, says Alexander Betts, and "our response, frankly, has been pathetic." Betts studies forced migration, the impossible choice for families between the camps, urban poverty and dangerous illegal journeys to safety. In this insightful talk, he offers four ways to change the way we treat refugees, so they can make an immediate contribution to their new homes. "There's nothing inevitable about refugees being a cost," Betts says. "They're human beings with skills, talents, aspirations, with the ability to make contributions — if we let them."
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In addition to this years...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In addition to this years TEDwish, TEDxParamaribo proudly announces...
Most plants are sensitive to even slight water loss for short periods of time. Resurrection plants are extremely...
Most plants are sensitive to even slight water loss for short periods of time. Resurrection plants are extremely unusual in that they can lose 95% of their c...
Scientists Confirm That Reality is an Illusion - Our 3D Universe Is A Hologram Aaron O'Connell Making sense of a...
Scientists Confirm That Reality is an Illusion - Our 3D Universe Is A Hologram Aaron O'Connell Making sense of a visible quantum object video link. http://yo...