THE SENDAI FRAMEWORK: MAKING THE DIFFERENCE FOR POVERTY, HEALTH AND RESILIENCE WHAT IS IT? The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 with it...
This film reveals the brutal reality of life on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, following the daily...
This film reveals the brutal reality of life on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, following the daily struggles of four young children to survive. Want...
Hank gives the run down on the top five ways humans are negatively impacting the environment and having detrimental...
Hank gives the run down on the top five ways humans are negatively impacting the environment and having detrimental effects on the valuable ecosystem service...
United Nations, New York, May 2009 - Today, more than 110,000 peacekeepers currently serve in 18 UN peace operations...
United Nations, New York, May 2009 - Today, more than 110,000 peacekeepers currently serve in 18 UN peace operations around the world with more countries con...
Alex Edmans talks about the long-term impacts of social responsibility and challenges the idea that caring for...
Alex Edmans talks about the long-term impacts of social responsibility and challenges the idea that caring for society is at the expense of profit. Alex is a...
March 9, 2012 Defenders of current U.S. drug policy, advocates for reform and academic researchers discuss the...
March 9, 2012 Defenders of current U.S. drug policy, advocates for reform and academic researchers discuss the effects of and alternatives to the United Stat...
The world is changing and for the most part it’s a good thing. Equality is ripping through our planet at a...
The world is changing and for the most part it’s a good thing. Equality is ripping through our planet at a tremendous rate. Not so long ago a person was cons...
*Uploaded for educational purposes* "All talk of rights, a philosopher once remarked, is 'nonsense on stilts' - and...
*Uploaded for educational purposes* "All talk of rights, a philosopher once remarked, is 'nonsense on stilts' - and that was before anyone had dreamt up 'ani...