This film reveals the brutal reality of life on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, following the daily struggles of four young children to survive. Want...
"Each one of us has a unique European story - for some, this is a Europe of progress, unity and prosperity; for...
"Each one of us has a unique European story - for some, this is a Europe of progress, unity and prosperity; for others, a Europe of decline, division and los...
Scientists Confirm That Reality is an Illusion - Our 3D Universe Is A Hologram Aaron O'Connell Making sense of a...
Scientists Confirm That Reality is an Illusion - Our 3D Universe Is A Hologram Aaron O'Connell Making sense of a visible quantum object video link. http://yo...
The Dawn of Religion : Documentary on the First Beliefs of Ancient Peoples (Full Documentary). This Documentary is...
The Dawn of Religion : Documentary on the First Beliefs of Ancient Peoples (Full Documentary). This Documentary is very good and as educational as it is fun....
Final assignment, for year three of the Child and Youth Program. Copyright: Songs: Rachel Platten- Fight Song Louisa...
Final assignment, for year three of the Child and Youth Program. Copyright: Songs: Rachel Platten- Fight Song Louisa Wendorff: Pretty Hurts/Try/Who you are m...
Children of Darkness is an Oscar nominated 1983 documentary film produced and written by Richard Kotuk and Ara...
Children of Darkness is an Oscar nominated 1983 documentary film produced and written by Richard Kotuk and Ara Chekmayan. It explored the topic of juvenile p...
Exploding real estate prices, zero interest rate and a rising stock market – the rich are getting richer. What...
Exploding real estate prices, zero interest rate and a rising stock market – the rich are getting richer. What danger lies in wait for average citizens? For ...
It is not always easy to see the signs of a child's mental health problems. But without treatment, they're more...
It is not always easy to see the signs of a child's mental health problems. But without treatment, they're more likely to have their symptoms get worse and t... Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in... Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in Mogadishu, until 1991, when she settled in ...