This film reveals the brutal reality of life on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, following the daily struggles of four young children to survive. Want...
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together...
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
Sigrid Kaag is the highest UN ambassador in Lebanon. She speaks about the relevance of international organizations...
Sigrid Kaag is the highest UN ambassador in Lebanon. She speaks about the relevance of international organizations as the United Nations, for stability in th...
Gang members are using teenage drug runners to transport and sell crack and heroin in the countryside. Police, youth...
Gang members are using teenage drug runners to transport and sell crack and heroin in the countryside. Police, youth workers and the government are trying to tackle this problem.
Butterfly Art Project von flying films, 4. 2016: Wir fördern Kreativität und Heilung durch die Kunst. Im April 2016...
Butterfly Art Project von flying films, 4. 2016: Wir fördern Kreativität und Heilung durch die Kunst. Im April 2016 besuchte uns Isa-Lee Jacobson eine Kapstä...
IHK is the German abbreviation for “Industrie und Handelskammer”, the German chambers of industry and commerce. The...
IHK is the German abbreviation for “Industrie und Handelskammer”, the German chambers of industry and commerce. The Video illustrate the tasks, which are ass...
Sources: Terrorist surveillance program: Original press release: Assessment of potential...
Sources: Terrorist surveillance program: Original press release: Assessment of potential effect of surveillance measures if implemen...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Sam Berns is a Junior at Foxboro High School...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Sam Berns is a Junior at Foxboro High School in Foxboro, Massachusetts, where he has ...