Community Project | LA Street Art Gallery

Por Simon Morgan en Arte & Artesanías 1400 views 5th Enero 2017 Duración del video: 00:03:26
Big Thanks to Random Act, SEPTERHED, & TheForestLawn for being pioneers in bringing street art to neighboring counties of Los Angeles.

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Expectation vs Reality of Studying Food Science

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How to make healthy eating unbelievably easy | Luke Durward | TEDxYorkU

After breaking his leg, undergraduate student Luke Durward used his time to return home and mentor his little...
After breaking his leg, undergraduate student Luke Durward used his time to return home and mentor his little brother on healthy eating. While illustrating h...

Guyanas green economy | Global Ideas

Many countries home to lush rainforests sell off timber to make way for industry, agriculture and mining of natural...
Many countries home to lush rainforests sell off timber to make way for industry, agriculture and mining of natural resources, with the ultimate goal of boosting the country's economic development. But Guyana is choosing to take a different path. It's hoping to jumpstart its economy by conserving its rainforests and getting the international community to pay for the carbon storage that its living forests provide.

Education for Sustainability | Jaimie Cloud | TEDxWindham

Jaimie Cloud is passionate about inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and...

Jaimie Cloud is passionate about inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and their ability to influence it in an entirely new way. She shares new ideas to create conditions for life-long Education for Sustainability. Please click 'Like', leave a Comment, Subscribe to the TEDx Talks YouTube channel, and SHARE on Facebook. Thank you! Jaimie is the founder of the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education in New York City, and pioneer in the field of Education for Sustainability (EfS). She writes and publishes extensively, and consults, coaches and teaches in schools around the country and across the world. She has developed exemplary curriculum courses of study, and has produced a set of EfS Standards and Performance Indicators that schools are using to innovate their own curricula to educate for sustainability.


Dispatches: The Street Kids Of Mumbai (Documentary) - Real Stories

This film reveals the brutal reality of life on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, following the daily...
This film reveals the brutal reality of life on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, following the daily struggles of four young children to survive. Want...

H145M: Ein Hubschrauber für Spezialkräfte

Die Bundeswehr hat sich mit neuen Hubschraubern verstärkt. Sie sollen vor allem dazu beitragen, dass Geiseln im...

Die Bundeswehr hat sich mit neuen Hubschraubern verstärkt. Sie sollen vor allem dazu beitragen, dass Geiseln im Ausland besser befreit und Spezialkräfte zu i...


Marijuana Legalization Debate (Part 1) -- The Doctors

Subscribe to The Doctors: LIKE us on Facebook: Follow...
Subscribe to The Doctors: LIKE us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

The enduring power of radio to change lives | Sam Hall | TEDxBrixton

Digital did not kill the radio star! In this passionate and energetic talk, DJ Sam Hall explains how radio still has...
Digital did not kill the radio star! In this passionate and energetic talk, DJ Sam Hall explains how radio still has the power to promote worldwide access to...

the Illusion of Reality ~ consciousness & quantum theory

"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself...
"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, l...
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