The Green Economy - Green Party of the United States

Por Martin Evans en Economía Verde 1759 views 7th Febrero 2020 Duración del video: 00:04:22
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The indigenous life and costumes

This is a metaphorical journey through the Amazon delta and the problems that threaten its future as great living...
This is a metaphorical journey through the Amazon delta and the problems that threaten its future as great living river. We will see the work of archaeologis...

The REAL News About FAKE News | Tom Becka | TEDxUNO

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What is real news? What is fake news? How do we be smart about the media that we choose to consume? Tom Becka answers this important question in his TEDxUNO ...

#TheNewCountry: TV ad urges Swedes to integrate with migrants

A Swedish TV ad made by a government-backed charity has urged citizens to accept that “Sweden will never be what it...
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Senator Professor Emeritus Henry Fraser, retired Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Founding Director of...
Senator Professor Emeritus Henry Fraser, retired Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Founding Director of the Chronic Disease Research Centre of the ...

TEDxBoston - Vibha Pingle - Beyond Microfinance

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What adults can learn from kids | Adora Svitak

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The Costs of Inequality: Joseph Stiglitz at TEDxColumbiaSIPA

Joseph Stiglitz is University Professor at Columbia University, the winner of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in...
Joseph Stiglitz is University Professor at Columbia University, the winner of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, and a lead author of the 1995 IPCC ...


Today, the Council of State Support to NGOs held a press conference to discuss its annual review of NGO activity. It...
Today, the Council of State Support to NGOs held a press conference to discuss its annual review of NGO activity. It was said in the event that the Council o...
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