Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm Nargis (نرگس [ˈnərɡɪs]), also known as Cyclone Nargis, caused the worst natural disaster in the recorded history of Myanmar during early May 2008. The cyclone made landfall in Myanmar on Friday, 2 May 2008, sending...
Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm Nargis (نرگس [ˈnərɡɪs]), also known as Cyclone Nargis, caused the worst natural disaster in the recorded history of Myanmar during early May 2008. The cyclone made landfall in Myanmar on Friday, 2 May 2008, sending a storm surge 40 kilometres up the densely populated Irrawaddy delta, causing catastrophic destruction and at least 138,000 fatalities. The Labutta Township alone was reported to have 80,000 dead, with about 10,000 more deaths in Bogale.
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