Christian Identity (also known as Identity Christianity) is a racist and white supremacist interpretation of Christianity which advocates the belief that only Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, Slavic, Aryan people and people of kindred blood...
Christian Identity (also known as Identity Christianity) is a racist and white supremacist interpretation of Christianity which advocates the belief that only Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, Slavic, Aryan people and people of kindred blood are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and hence the descendants of the ancient Israelites (primarily as a result of the Assyrian captivity) can achieve paradise. Christian Identity is not an organized religion, and is not connected with specific Christian denominations; instead, it is independently practiced by individuals, churches and some prison gangs. Its theology promotes a racial interpretation of Christianity. Christian Identity beliefs were primarily developed and promoted by two authors who regarded Europeans as the "chosen people" and Jews as the cursed offspring of Cain, the "serpent hybrid" or serpent seed (a belief known as the two-seedline doctrine). White supremacist sects and gangs later adopted many of these teachings.
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