A mutual-benefit nonprofit corporation or membership corporation is a type of nonprofit corporation in the US, similar to other mutual benefit organizations found in some of common law nations, chartered by government with a mandate to serve the...
A mutual-benefit nonprofit corporation or membership corporation is a type of nonprofit corporation in the US, similar to other mutual benefit organizations found in some of common law nations, chartered by government with a mandate to serve the mutual benefit of its members. A mutual-benefit corporation can be non-profit or not-for-profit in the United States, but it cannot obtain IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit status as a charitable organization. It is distinct in U.S. law from public-benefit nonprofit corporations, and religious corporations. Mutual benefit corporations must still file tax returns and pay income tax because they are not formed for a purpose that is meant to benefit the general public (unlike public-benefit nonprofit corporations) but rather to provide an association of people with a common benefit.
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