As an integral element of being a socially responsible organization, EI has instituted its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, wherein it sets across a certain percentage of its gross revenues for such purposes. The Company will...
As an integral element of being a socially responsible organization, EI has instituted its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, wherein it sets across a certain percentage of its gross revenues for such purposes. The Company will undertake initiatives in the areas of- Education of underprivileged children with an emphasis on learning achievement and use of digital media for education Healthcare for the poor Livelihood generation Such other projects or programmes as may be approved under the Annexure to the CSR provisions of the Companies Act EI also has a policy of matching employee contributions, to support the causes chosen by employees, which are not covered by company's CSR policy. We look forward to actively partnering with organizations in such initiatives. If you wish to get in touch with us with regard to our CSR activities.
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