While not all of our artists receive wide-spread recognition for their practice, all gain a sense of pride from learning a craft and profession of their own. Our artists work hard at creating. We’re proud of what they do, so we work hard to sell...
While not all of our artists receive wide-spread recognition for their practice, all gain a sense of pride from learning a craft and profession of their own. Our artists work hard at creating. We’re proud of what they do, so we work hard to sell their work.
Equally important to the artists is the community and sense of purpose their participation allows. Mentored by skilled professionals (all of the staff hold a Masters of Fine Arts degree and are themselves accomplished artists), NIAD’s artists see and study contemporary art by visiting local galleries, studios and museums. Inspired, they return to the NIAD open studio to create their own work. The NIAD studio environment has been described by visitors and participants alike as inclusive, nurturing, and welcoming.
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