"Developing life skills through sport" Little Sports Organization (LSO) is a sport for development NGO that is shaping lives of the next generation of Kenyan...
Samadhi Part 1 (Maya the Illusion of the Self) is the first installment of a series of films exploring Samadhi. You...
Samadhi Part 1 (Maya the Illusion of the Self) is the first installment of a series of films exploring Samadhi. You can purchase a high definition copy of the film for download to your computer here: http://www.innerworldsmovie.com/index...
Samadhi Part 2 "It's Not What You Think" will be coming soon. Check out the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W4jO...
This Youtube video has "community translations" turned on. Click "more" and "add translation" if you would like to contribute a translation. If you have any questions you can contact us at info@innerworldsmovie.com.
We have new films, retreats and awakening initiatives coming available periodically and we would love to share with you. If you would like to receive occasional emails from us please subscribe to our newsletter at http://www.samadhi.ca.
Many other parts of the Samadhi series are in various stages of completion and will follow. It is quite possible that the film is actually endless.
There are aspects in this film that rely on your understanding of concepts such as the primordial spiral, the logos, akasha, kundalini which can be found in the film "Inner Worlds Outer Worlds". The film can be watched for free at www.innerworldsmovie.com.
Please support future films (which will always be released for free to the world) by donating at http://www.innerworldsmovie.com/index...
Every small donation helps to keep production flowing.
While we greatly encourage you to freely share the links to the film, embed them and spread them freely, please do not steal the film, claim it as your own and/or monetize it on your own Youtube channel. Thank you
‘I suggest it is time for our generation to start a new era, be just as bold as our counterparts across the pond and...
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