This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Charlie Cooper is a nine year old boy who is wiser than his years. ...
Ein Ring sie zu knechten und so... SCHAU NOCH 1 VIDEO ▶ ABOMNIER MICH ►...
Ein Ring sie zu knechten und so... SCHAU NOCH 1 VIDEO ▶ ABOMNIER MICH ►
In Australia, Bee Orsini is the Liaison for The Salvation Army's Education and Outreach Project to raise awareness...
In Australia, Bee Orsini is the Liaison for The Salvation Army's Education and Outreach Project to raise awareness of homeless youth. She knows the reality o...
This video is on the Galana- Kulalu food security project-10,000 acre model farm. It's objective is to optimize...
This video is on the Galana- Kulalu food security project-10,000 acre model farm. It's objective is to optimize productivity of the ranches in the area throu...
Watch the full film Deleted scene from The Crisis of Civilization: a dark comedy...
Watch the full film Deleted scene from The Crisis of Civilization: a dark comedy remix mash-up bonanza about the end of indu...
FreeDem Videos Hope to Boost Ireland's Brain Health and Tackle Fears About Memory Loss 10 quirky animated videos...
FreeDem Videos Hope to Boost Ireland's Brain Health and Tackle Fears About Memory Loss 10 quirky animated videos addressing common concerns about memory loss...
Scholar and author Richard Ford, who teaches comparative equality law, employment discrimination and local...
Scholar and author Richard Ford, who teaches comparative equality law, employment discrimination and local government law at Stanford Law School, says it is ...
In this talk, Monisha Bajaj tells her own personal story about how her family has inspired her work in the field of...
In this talk, Monisha Bajaj tells her own personal story about how her family has inspired her work in the field of international educational development, fo...
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