Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Scott Geller is Alumni Distinguished...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Scott Geller is Alumni Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech and Director of the C...
Subscribe to VICE News here: VICE founder Suroosh Alvi travels to Mexico to see...
Subscribe to VICE News here: VICE founder Suroosh Alvi travels to Mexico to see the effects of cartel oil theft firsthan... Virtually every occupation and industry you can imagine... Virtually every occupation and industry you can imagine (and some that you can't) has one or more as...
400 services fifty all rights reserved to the chamber of commerce and industry in riyadh 2016. Welcome to bombay...
400 services fifty all rights reserved to the chamber of commerce and industry in riyadh 2016. Welcome to bombay chamber of commerce and industry cms. Hungar... - Celebrate Passions! “You can’t take this job as only a job. It’s a belief….a... - Celebrate Passions! “You can’t take this job as only a job. It’s a belief….a commitment.” Josephine Lee explained what social wor...
The humanitarian system is simply not doing a good job in the eyes of the people it aims to help. Christina Bennett,...
The humanitarian system is simply not doing a good job in the eyes of the people it aims to help. Christina Bennett, Research Fellow with the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute, lays out a three-point proposal for radical change to create a humanitarian system that is fit to respond to the challenges of both today and tomorrow.
--Wikileaks releases emails sent to the Hillary Clinton campaign, revealing all sorts of coordination between the...
--Wikileaks releases emails sent to the Hillary Clinton campaign, revealing all sorts of coordination between the DNC, Clinton campaign, and corporate media ...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSI), also called corporate conscience is when business takes responsibility by...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSI), also called corporate conscience is when business takes responsibility by participating in initiatives that benefit th...
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