Josephine - a Social Innovator and NGO Management in Hong Kong on Paxxioneer

Von Megan Smith in Arbeit & Soziales 1683 Aufrufe 10th Oktober 2016 Video Dauer: 00:02:41 - Celebrate Passions! “You can’t take this job as only a job. It’s a belief….a commitment.” Josephine Lee explained what social wor...

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The social responsibility of business | Alex Edmans | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool

Alex is a Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex graduated top of his class from Oxford University and...

Alex is a Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex graduated top of his class from Oxford University and then worked for Morgan Stanley in investment banking (London) and fixed income sales and trading (NYC). After a PhD in Finance from MIT Sloan as a Fulbright Scholar, he joined Wharton, where he was granted tenure and won 14 teaching awards in six years. Alex’s research interests are in corporate finance, behavioural finance, CSR, and practical investment strategies. He has been awarded the Moskowitz Prize for Socially Responsible Investing and the FIR-PRI prize for Finance and Sustainability, and was named a Rising Star of Corporate Governance by Yale University. Alex co-led a session at the 2014 World Economic Forum in Davos, and runs a blog, “Access to Finance” (, that aims to make complex finance topics accessible to a general audience.


NGO turns Prague's homeless into WIFI hotspots

For their work in the 'Wifi4Life' pilot the homeless get meals, clothing, allowances and decent accommodation. Like...
For their work in the 'Wifi4Life' pilot the homeless get meals, clothing, allowances and decent accommodation. Like what you see? Please subscribe https://ww...

Cate Blanchett: Career & Family Life - Full Exclusive Interview on CNN

Who is Cate Blanchett? In this full exclusive interview on CNN's Talk Asia series, the actor discusses about her...
Who is Cate Blanchett? In this full exclusive interview on CNN's Talk Asia series, the actor discusses about her career, passion and family life and takes th...

The Economy of Germany

This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the forth largest in the world...
This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the forth largest in the world falling just behind japan. The economy of Germany is so interesting not just because of its size though but more because of it’s tenuous and surprisingly short history.

A Green German Economy

What is Germany doing to push a green economy? Deputy Director General Ulrich Benterbusch,
Federal Ministry For...
What is Germany doing to push a green economy? Deputy Director General Ulrich Benterbusch,
Federal Ministry For Economic Affairs and Energy

The Land of No Men: Inside Kenya's Women-Only Village

Subscribe Now: Where the foothills of Mount Kenya merge into the desert, the...
Subscribe Now: Where the foothills of Mount Kenya merge into the desert, the people of Samburu have maintained a strict pa...

Tango Street Dance in Buenos Aires, Argentina

While walking in Puerto Madero, in the city of Buenos Aires, I had the chance to see and record the public Tango...
While walking in Puerto Madero, in the city of Buenos Aires, I had the chance to see and record the public Tango show of the group "Puerto Tango" , and take a view pictures with them (at the end of the video)

Why I'm an architect that designs for social impact, not buildings | Liz Ogbu | TEDxMidAtlantic

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How can we combine the...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How can we combine the hard skills of design and the soft skills of...

Why social impact startups are set up to fail | Clara Brenner | TEDxSanAntonio

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. We all know innovation is...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. We all know innovation is crucial to solving our community's toughe...
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