Subscribe to VICE News here: When Chinese multimillionaire Chen Guangbiao placed ads in the New York Times and Wall Stre...
Bruce Schneier is an internationally-renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a...
Bruce Schneier is an internationally-renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a "security guru," he is best known as a refres...
As part of Girl Scout Troop 523's Silver Award Project in S. Texas, the troop worked with Haven for Hope and created...
As part of Girl Scout Troop 523's Silver Award Project in S. Texas, the troop worked with Haven for Hope and created a video on what school aged children liv...
Jason Fairbourne, Founder and President of Fairbourne Consulting, discusses the process of developing scalable...
Jason Fairbourne, Founder and President of Fairbourne Consulting, discusses the process of developing scalable microfranchises for third-world economies. Jas...
Michael Huemer focuses on the scope and nature of what we know, morality and truth. He is an expert at structuring...
Michael Huemer focuses on the scope and nature of what we know, morality and truth. He is an expert at structuring logical arguments the premises of which ar...
Attorney Roger H.J. Cox touches our heart, soul and mind using an ancient and thought-provoking Inuit story of...
Attorney Roger H.J. Cox touches our heart, soul and mind using an ancient and thought-provoking Inuit story of caribous, wolves and men to explain how the la...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this highly insightful...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this highly insightful talk Gary provides us as insider account ...
In this video, you will learn how to communicate directly to the person, not an interpreter or personal care...
In this video, you will learn how to communicate directly to the person, not an interpreter or personal care assistant. This 1:17 min video was created by th...
Top 10 rich celebrities who are actually dirt poor before all the fame. Subscribe to our channel:...
Top 10 rich celebrities who are actually dirt poor before all the fame. Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact u...
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