In this video we tour a traditional Icelandic turf house at the Islenski Baerinn Turf House museum ( Turf houses are the ...
An overview of geographic theories of migration- Ravenstein's Laws, Gravity Model, Migration Transition, and...
An overview of geographic theories of migration- Ravenstein's Laws, Gravity Model, Migration Transition, and Behavioral approaches to migration. With dots.
Humanitarian Strategist Peter Walker With over 25 years of field experience in international humanitarian relief,...
Humanitarian Strategist Peter Walker With over 25 years of field experience in international humanitarian relief, Peter Walker now leads a team of 30 academi...
Allen Welsh Dulles (/ˈdʌləs/; April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was an American diplomat and lawyer who became the...
Allen Welsh Dulles (/ˈdʌləs/; April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was an American diplomat and lawyer who became the first civilian Director of Central Intelli...
Among the challenges this new nation faces is a critical shortage of healthcare providers and a widely dispersed...
Among the challenges this new nation faces is a critical shortage of healthcare providers and a widely dispersed population. For more information visit: http...
Breve explicación sobre el concepto de corrupción según la fórmula de Robert Klitgaard. La corrupción política, sus...
Breve explicación sobre el concepto de corrupción según la fórmula de Robert Klitgaard. La corrupción política, sus causas, efectos y la transparencia como solución.
*Uploaded for educational purposes* "All talk of rights, a philosopher once remarked, is 'nonsense on stilts' - and...
*Uploaded for educational purposes* "All talk of rights, a philosopher once remarked, is 'nonsense on stilts' - and that was before anyone had dreamt up 'ani...
An old video now but still contains relevant information that matters more today than it did when filmed. Retired...
An old video now but still contains relevant information that matters more today than it did when filmed. Retired Police Superintendent Trevor Colman The Eur...
Teresa Dyson is one of the country's top tax advisors and is a strong female role model. Teresa shares her insights...
Teresa Dyson is one of the country's top tax advisors and is a strong female role model. Teresa shares her insights on utilising innovative business models f...
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