Allen Dulles: The Powerful, Moneyed World of International Finance & Politics (2002)

Von Plicatus EN in Finanzen 1394 Aufrufe 2nd Januar 2018 Video Dauer: 01:00:00
Allen Welsh Dulles (/ˈdʌləs/; April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was an American diplomat and lawyer who became the first civilian Director of Central Intelli...

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Getting Free Of Self-Importance Is The Key To Happiness: Polly Young-Eisendrath at TEDxMiddlebury

At TEDxMiddlebury 2013 Polly Young-Eisendrath discusses the idea that we can control and manage our lives as counter...
At TEDxMiddlebury 2013 Polly Young-Eisendrath discusses the idea that we can control and manage our lives as counter to our happiness. After considering the ...

Tracking World Migration | The Economist

The Economist reports on how immigrants help both the countries they leave and those to which they move. Added to...
The Economist reports on how immigrants help both the countries they leave and those to which they move. Added to in October 200...

Access All Areas: Mat Fraser on Disability Arts

British Council in partnership with Live Art Development Agency and Abrons Arts Center presented Access All Areas,...
British Council in partnership with Live Art Development Agency and Abrons Arts Center presented Access All Areas, NYC Edition- a series of conversations, pr...

The Future of Food: Innovation, Technology, and Agriculture

The Council presents a panel of agricultural experts talking about which technologies can be most effectively...
The Council presents a panel of agricultural experts talking about which technologies can be most effectively leveraged to make food chains more resilient, e...

Social Services Are Broken. How We Can Fix Them | Hilary Cottam |

When a family falls into crisis — and it sometimes happens, thanks to unemployment, drugs, bad relationships and bad...
When a family falls into crisis — and it sometimes happens, thanks to unemployment, drugs, bad relationships and bad luck — the social services system is sup...

11 Year Old Genius in College Studying Quantum Physics

At just 11 years old this gifted child genius is already in college studying quantum physics which he says is...
At just 11 years old this gifted child genius is already in college studying quantum physics which he says is 'relaxing' and 'fun'. Great story about a child...

One Humanity

Every day, humanitarian aid workers stand on the front lines of war and disaster, braving tremendous dangers and...
Every day, humanitarian aid workers stand on the front lines of war and disaster, braving tremendous dangers and difficulties to deliver assistance to those who need it most. World Humanitarian Day (WHD), which takes place every year on 19 August, recognizes the aid workers who risk their lives in humanitarian service, and mobilizes people to advocate for humanitarian action. The day was designated by the General Assembly seven years ago to coincide with the anniversary of the 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq.

Waste Management and Recycling Video

For more 2D animation videos: visit:, video is created for Banyan...
For more 2D animation videos: visit:, video is created for Banyan Nation, that offers waste management solutions ...

Rethinking community development: Diana Schmitt at TEDxUNCAsheville

The garden is host to 70 families, over 100 fruit and nut trees, a medical and native species plant trail, and 45...
The garden is host to 70 families, over 100 fruit and nut trees, a medical and native species plant trail, and 45 mushroom logs. Through its volunteers, the ...
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