A Swedish TV ad made by a government-backed charity has urged citizens to accept that “Sweden will never be what it once was” and to find a way to “live side...
THE SENDAI FRAMEWORK: MAKING THE DIFFERENCE FOR POVERTY, HEALTH AND RESILIENCE WHAT IS IT? The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 with it...
SABA F. SAFDAR is an Iranian-born Canadian-educated Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at the...
SABA F. SAFDAR is an Iranian-born Canadian-educated Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Guelph in Ontario. She moved to Can...
What is the value of gender diversity in organizations, politics and society? To learn about the business case for...
What is the value of gender diversity in organizations, politics and society? To learn about the business case for gender equality, watch the Women and Publi...
created by Jack Kohler Created in response to all those who want to be second. We, the 566 recognized tribes just...
created by Jack Kohler Created in response to all those who want to be second. We, the 566 recognized tribes just want to be acknowledged. There are still ov...
This documentary tells the story of three ethnic groups which, though they inhabit the same territory, have...
This documentary tells the story of three ethnic groups which, though they inhabit the same territory, have different cultures and traditions. But with one c...
Some argue that women choose not to go into particular jobs, often because of the hours required and the sacrifices...
Some argue that women choose not to go into particular jobs, often because of the hours required and the sacrifices that need to be made. But what is really ...
As Vice President of Sustainable Development, Rachel leads the Bank's global work in agriculture, environment,...
As Vice President of Sustainable Development, Rachel leads the Bank's global work in agriculture, environment, energy, infrastructure, urban, and social deve...
Melanie Nezer is HIAS’ Vice President, Policy & Advocacy. She directs HIAS’ Washington, DC office and leads HIAS’...
Melanie Nezer is HIAS’ Vice President, Policy & Advocacy. She directs HIAS’ Washington, DC office and leads HIAS’ education and advocacy on immigration, asyl...
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