Ron Haskins: In recent years, incomes have continued to increase on nearly every level, but there are several critical steps that individuals must take to be...
This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating...
This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating rising inequality of wealth and income. ...
Religious criticism has a long history. It goes at least as far back as the 5th century BCE in ancient Greece with...
Religious criticism has a long history. It goes at least as far back as the 5th century BCE in ancient Greece with Diagoras "the atheist" of Melos, and the 1...
Betty Palmer is the Executive Director of the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter. On Febrary 23, 2013, TEDxColbyCollege will...
Betty Palmer is the Executive Director of the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter. On Febrary 23, 2013, TEDxColbyCollege will explore new ideas through the lens of fa...
The film brings you the whole picture of how animals experience living in a stressful and unnatural environment, and...
The film brings you the whole picture of how animals experience living in a stressful and unnatural environment, and how it effects their mental and natural ...
Gauher from CFx Comics talks about the socialization of violent extremist beliefs within muslim communities and how...
Gauher from CFx Comics talks about the socialization of violent extremist beliefs within muslim communities and how this is certainly NOT a part of 'Islam'. ...
Wir alle glauben an etwas. Unser Glaube kann uns vereinen aber auch trennen. Er kann uns retten oder uns zu...
Wir alle glauben an etwas. Unser Glaube kann uns vereinen aber auch trennen. Er kann uns retten oder uns zu Außenseitern machen. Er kann Frieden und Nächsten...
Deborah Hughes knows all the facts and figures behind homelessness. More importantly though, she knows the formula...
Deborah Hughes knows all the facts and figures behind homelessness. More importantly though, she knows the formula for success: a two-generation approach to ...
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