Wir alle glauben an etwas. Unser Glaube kann uns vereinen aber auch trennen. Er kann uns retten oder uns zu Außenseitern machen. Er kann Frieden und Nächsten...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: http://bit.ly/1FAg8hB Sam Berns is a Junior at Foxboro High School...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: http://bit.ly/1FAg8hB Sam Berns is a Junior at Foxboro High School in Foxboro, Massachusetts, where he has ...
Die meisten von uns wollen das Richtige für die Umwelt tun. Aber die Dinge sind nicht so einfach wie der Griff zur...
Die meisten von uns wollen das Richtige für die Umwelt tun. Aber die Dinge sind nicht so einfach wie der Griff zur Papiertüte, sagt Nachhaltigkeits-Strategin...
Alex is a Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex graduated top of his class from Oxford University and...
Alex is a Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex graduated top of his class from Oxford University and then worked for Morgan Stanley in investment banking (London) and fixed income sales and trading (NYC). After a PhD in Finance from MIT Sloan as a Fulbright Scholar, he joined Wharton, where he was granted tenure and won 14 teaching awards in six years. Alex’s research interests are in corporate finance, behavioural finance, CSR, and practical investment strategies. He has been awarded the Moskowitz Prize for Socially Responsible Investing and the FIR-PRI prize for Finance and Sustainability, and was named a Rising Star of Corporate Governance by Yale University. Alex co-led a session at the 2014 World Economic Forum in Davos, and runs a blog, “Access to Finance” (www.alexedmans.blogspot.com), that aims to make complex finance topics accessible to a general audience.
Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments...
Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments of the world think we can. Meeting at th...
Britain has signed an agreement to assist the Saudis with advice on policing, although there are precious few...
Britain has signed an agreement to assist the Saudis with advice on policing, although there are precious few details on what that British involvement means....
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Professor and Chair of the...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Professor and Chair of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at Drex...
The Consumer Rights Act came into force in October 2015 with the aim of giving people clearer shopping rights. If...
The Consumer Rights Act came into force in October 2015 with the aim of giving people clearer shopping rights. If you sell goods, services or digital content...
"Politics" is the smart person word for "yelling about the government."
The Idiot's Guide To Smart People offers...
"Politics" is the smart person word for "yelling about the government."
The Idiot's Guide To Smart People offers practical advice to idiots perplexed by the behavior of obnoxious intellectuals.
Can't Do it Without You! Careers in Aged & Community Care -- Find out what types of jobs are available in the aged...
Can't Do it Without You! Careers in Aged & Community Care -- Find out what types of jobs are available in the aged and community care sector from young peopl...
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