In this harrowing film Sky’s Mark Stone witnesses the extraordinary rescue of hundreds of migrants off Libya's coast. Shows scenes of migrant rescues and dea...
Elise By Olsen is 16 year old and is the editor-in-chief of youth culture magazine Recens Paper. In her talk, she...
Elise By Olsen is 16 year old and is the editor-in-chief of youth culture magazine Recens Paper. In her talk, she hopes to bring clarity about Generation Z a...
Since 2000, more than 27,000 migrants and refugees have died attempting the perilous journey to Europe. With an...
Since 2000, more than 27,000 migrants and refugees have died attempting the perilous journey to Europe. With an unprecedented number of people breaking throu...
Questions and discussion. This event - New technologies in humanitarian aid - explored new research which discusses...
Questions and discussion. This event - New technologies in humanitarian aid - explored new research which discusses three technologies currently being used i...
Many countries home to lush rainforests sell off timber to make way for industry, agriculture and mining of natural...
Many countries home to lush rainforests sell off timber to make way for industry, agriculture and mining of natural resources, with the ultimate goal of boosting the country's economic development. But Guyana is choosing to take a different path. It's hoping to jumpstart its economy by conserving its rainforests and getting the international community to pay for the carbon storage that its living forests provide.
Lulu Miller gives us an animated look into the lives and practices of radio personalities and broadcasters, and...
Lulu Miller gives us an animated look into the lives and practices of radio personalities and broadcasters, and speaks to the effects radio can have on us as...
According to this theory, nothing really happens in physical world. Physical world is just a manifestation of the...
According to this theory, nothing really happens in physical world. Physical world is just a manifestation of the our consciousness. It seems that ancient In...
View full lesson: The photo director for...
View full lesson: The photo director for National Geographic David Griffin knows the powe...
When your health is a top priority, trying to make sense of all the information on nutrition can be quite...
When your health is a top priority, trying to make sense of all the information on nutrition can be quite confusing.In this talk, Dr. Mike Israetel summarize...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Etienne Mottet spoke about...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Etienne Mottet spoke about microfinance, technology and cultural di...
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