Tear Gas and Rubber Bullets Disrupt Istanbul Gay Pride Parade

Von Megan Smith in Sexuelle Gleichberechtigung 1608 Aufrufe 10th Oktober 2016 Video Dauer: 00:05:02
Turkish police officers disrupted this year's Istanbul gay pride march, violently dispersing peaceful crowds as they gathered at the city's iconic Taksim Squ...

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Khan Academy: The future of education?

With the backing of Gates and Google, Khan Academy and its free online educational videos are moving into the...
With the backing of Gates and Google, Khan Academy and its free online educational videos are moving into the classroom and across the world. Their goal: to ...

Why our Economic System in not Sustainable | Christian Kreiss | TEDxTUBerlin

This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating...
This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating rising inequality of wealth and income. ...

Daniel Levy: Europe's Role in Conflict Settlement in the Middle East

Timofey Bordachev, Programme Director of the Valdai Club Foundation, and Daniel Levy, Director of the Middle East...
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Peter Ward: Earth's mass extinctions

http://www.ted.com Asteroid strikes get all the coverage, but "Medea Hypothesis" author Peter Ward argues that most...
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Finding Identity: An LGBTQ Pastor’s Journey | David Norse | TEDxPhiladelphia

“I was encouraged and on fire for the Lord and I felt a call to become a Presbyterian pastor and I also knew that I...
“I was encouraged and on fire for the Lord and I felt a call to become a Presbyterian pastor and I also knew that I was gay, and that’s a paradox if ever the...

Our democracy no longer represents the people. Here's how we fix it | Larry Lessig | TEDxMidAtlantic

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Hispanic Heritage: Facing the Same Challenges

Our Hispanic families, both in the United States and in their home countries, face the same challenges in some way:...
Our Hispanic families, both in the United States and in their home countries, face the same challenges in some way: poverty, climate change and violence. Let...

Pamela Ronald: The case for engineering our food

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Pamela Ronald untersucht Gene, die Pflanzen resistenter gegen Krankheiten und Stress machen. In einem aufschlussreichen Vortrag beschreibt sie ihre jahrzehnt...
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