Understanding the Global Jihadist Nexus: ISIS & Open Source Intelligence | Anurag Chandran | TEDxMU

Von Plicatus EN in Frieden & Sicherheit 1599 Aufrufe 17th Januar 2018 Video Dauer: N/A
The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Al Sham (ISIS) challenges Al Qaeda and its dominance of the global jihadist movement. While ISIS had its origin as ...

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Business Models for Social Entrepreneurs

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Quantum physics and consciousness

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How to REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind and EXPERIENCE Its Power

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Arogya Parivar: A social business model to improve health in rural India

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What if Schools Taught Us How to Learn | Jonathan Levi | TEDxWhiteCity

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The social responsibility of business | Alex Edmans | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool

Alex is a Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex graduated top of his class from Oxford University and...

Alex is a Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex graduated top of his class from Oxford University and then worked for Morgan Stanley in investment banking (London) and fixed income sales and trading (NYC). After a PhD in Finance from MIT Sloan as a Fulbright Scholar, he joined Wharton, where he was granted tenure and won 14 teaching awards in six years. Alex’s research interests are in corporate finance, behavioural finance, CSR, and practical investment strategies. He has been awarded the Moskowitz Prize for Socially Responsible Investing and the FIR-PRI prize for Finance and Sustainability, and was named a Rising Star of Corporate Governance by Yale University. Alex co-led a session at the 2014 World Economic Forum in Davos, and runs a blog, “Access to Finance” (www.alexedmans.blogspot.com), that aims to make complex finance topics accessible to a general audience.

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