What if Schools Taught Us How to Learn | Jonathan Levi | TEDxWhiteCity

Von Plicatus EN in Bildung & Erziehung 1674 Aufrufe 13th Oktober 2016 Video Dauer: 00:14:33
Why is it that schools teach us WHAT we need to learn, without ever teaching us HOW? Memory and Speed Reading expert Jonathan Levi takes us through his perso...

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YFS MCW15 Caribbean Students Association

York Federation of Students Multicultural Week 2015 Cultural Explosion Performance, by the Caribbean Students...
York Federation of Students Multicultural Week 2015 Cultural Explosion Performance, by the Caribbean Students Association.

Britain’s Teenage Drug Runners: Gangs In The Countryside

Gang members are using teenage drug runners to transport and sell crack and heroin in the countryside. Police, youth...
Gang members are using teenage drug runners to transport and sell crack and heroin in the countryside. Police, youth workers and the government are trying to tackle this problem.

The unexpected face of homelessness: Bee Orsini at TEDxMacquarieUniversity

In Australia, Bee Orsini is the Liaison for The Salvation Army's Education and Outreach Project to raise awareness...
In Australia, Bee Orsini is the Liaison for The Salvation Army's Education and Outreach Project to raise awareness of homeless youth. She knows the reality o...

Poverty Policy Isn't Just About Better Schools | Tosha Downey | TEDxMemphis

Tosha Downey discusses the complex issue of solving poverty. Tosha Downey is Director of Advocacy for Teacher Town...
Tosha Downey discusses the complex issue of solving poverty. Tosha Downey is Director of Advocacy for Teacher Town Memphis, a partner organization in the cit...

YFS MCW15 Afghan Students Association

York Federation of Students Multicultural Week 2015 Cultural Explosion Performance, by the Afghan Students Association.

Global Warming - A video by NASA

a repost - original at http://climate.nasa.gov/warmingworld/

Animal Welfare and the Future of Zoos | Ron Kagan | TEDxOaklandUniversity

Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different...
Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different relationship between human and non-human an...

Educating for Peace & Human Rights: Monisha Bajaj at TEDxTeachersCollege

In this talk, Monisha Bajaj tells her own personal story about how her family has inspired her work in the field of...
In this talk, Monisha Bajaj tells her own personal story about how her family has inspired her work in the field of international educational development, fo...
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