Lauren Ornelas discusses the power of our food choices at TEDxGoldenGatePark. Lauren became a vegan in high school, where she started her first animal-rights...
This is a preview of a very popular corporate diversity presentation by Brian McNaught, "the godfather of gay...
This is a preview of a very popular corporate diversity presentation by Brian McNaught, "the godfather of gay diversity training," that seeks to build bridge...
Is this the smartest man in the USA, or just a farmer with common sense? Please check out the documentary film "Food...
Is this the smartest man in the USA, or just a farmer with common sense? Please check out the documentary film "Food Inc.", and read Fast Food Nation. You de...
Donate at Music Is The Medicine, Music: Anthony Gomes, 'Darkest Before the Dawn',...
Donate at Music Is The Medicine, Music: Anthony Gomes, 'Darkest Before the Dawn', Research: Inf...
The Theory is about making money work for us instead of us working for money. The idea is about creating wealth flow...
The Theory is about making money work for us instead of us working for money. The idea is about creating wealth flow through PASSIVE INCOME. Dhaval Bathia, r...
This talk will provide an overview of how Paralympic sport has reflected, and helped change the position of people...
This talk will provide an overview of how Paralympic sport has reflected, and helped change the position of people with disabilities in society and how now, ...
Beginning with a provocation from Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard) this session of the April 7-9, 2011conference "Science...
Beginning with a provocation from Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard) this session of the April 7-9, 2011conference "Science and Technology Studies: The Next Twenty,"d...
Some reform groups believe the justice system should treat young adult offenders differently. Could a project in...
Some reform groups believe the justice system should treat young adult offenders differently. Could a project in south London lead the way in terms of their ...
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