Man Ngai-shuen's daughter brags to her classmates that she has her own bed. This might seem an unusual thing to be proud of, but for this family of three, li...
Being told “Don’t stare!” might be the first memory some of us have of encountering a person with a disability. And...
Being told “Don’t stare!” might be the first memory some of us have of encountering a person with a disability. And in fact, when it comes to disability, our...
What if you were to sit down and talk to the homeless person you just walked by? What would you discover? Would you...
What if you were to sit down and talk to the homeless person you just walked by? What would you discover? Would you be forever changed by that experience? Sa...
The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and...
The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington Post. The tide has turned. Wik...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the physical manifestation of that order. Thoug...
Until a year ago, people in the village of Ekipe on North Efate Island in Vanuatu did not have access to running...
Until a year ago, people in the village of Ekipe on North Efate Island in Vanuatu did not have access to running water. Villagers such as Marie, a mother of ...
Dimitri Christakis is a pediatrician, parent, and researcher whose influential findings are helping identify optimal...
Dimitri Christakis is a pediatrician, parent, and researcher whose influential findings are helping identify optimal media exposure for children. In the spir...
Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for europe in order to transform it before the crisis of the...
Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for europe in order to transform it before the crisis of the system crashes Europe. He studies all the d...
Tony Allen speaks at a 2015 TEDx event in Wilmington, Delaware. Tony Allen is the chairman of the Wilmington...
Tony Allen speaks at a 2015 TEDx event in Wilmington, Delaware. Tony Allen is the chairman of the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission, a Commission c...
Subscribe to VICE News here: In 2001, Argentina faced a devastating economic...
Subscribe to VICE News here: In 2001, Argentina faced a devastating economic crisis that led to widespread unemployment ...
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