How do we make sure that development and aid money actually goes to the people who most need it? Sanjay Pradhan of the World Bank Institute lays out three gu...
By loading kids with high expectations and micromanaging their lives at every turn, parents aren't actually helping....
By loading kids with high expectations and micromanaging their lives at every turn, parents aren't actually helping. At least, that's how Julie Lythcott-Haim...
Video news releases, also known as prepackaged news stories, are video segments created or funded by private...
Video news releases, also known as prepackaged news stories, are video segments created or funded by private corporations or government agencies to be indist...
Sick of the news? Sick about the news? Maybe it’s not the content that’s exhausting or depressing but the way it’s...
Sick of the news? Sick about the news? Maybe it’s not the content that’s exhausting or depressing but the way it’s conveyed. Journalist Sarah Smarsh reveals ...
According to this theory, nothing really happens in physical world. Physical world is just a manifestation of the...
According to this theory, nothing really happens in physical world. Physical world is just a manifestation of the our consciousness. It seems that ancient In...
Lawrence Lessig on "Political leadership in times of digital populism" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in the Digital...
Lawrence Lessig on "Political leadership in times of digital populism" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in the Digital Age". More information on our website: http...
What is real news? What is fake news? How do we be smart about the media that we choose to consume? Tom Becka...
What is real news? What is fake news? How do we be smart about the media that we choose to consume? Tom Becka answers this important question in his TEDxUNO ...
United Nations - 2015 - it was a year of triumphal moments and haunting images: A little boy, washed up on the shore...
United Nations - 2015 - it was a year of triumphal moments and haunting images: A little boy, washed up on the shore symbolising the plight of 60 million ref...
"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful...
"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to ...
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