How Mainstream Media Fakes The News - Behind The Scenes

Von Theodore test Henderson in Kommunikation & Medien 1738 Aufrufe 13th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 01:00:00
Video news releases, also known as prepackaged news stories, are video segments created or funded by private corporations or government agencies to be indist...

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10 Famous People Who Recently Came Out

10 Famous people who have recently came out as gay or bisexual. Subscribe:
10 Famous people who have recently came out as gay or bisexual. Subscribe: ------------------------------------------------------------...

Better Shelter in Mytilini (Lesvos) September 2015

A home away from home for refugees in Mytilini. In September, Better Shelter supported UNHCR during a few days of...
A home away from home for refugees in Mytilini. In September, Better Shelter supported UNHCR during a few days of assembly in Karatepe transit camp, Mytilini...

Fighting Corruption in the Developing World | James D. Long | TEDxUofW

James D. Long explores how to reduce corruption and improve government performance by using technology to empower...
James D. Long explores how to reduce corruption and improve government performance by using technology to empower citizens. Violence, intimidation, and vote ...

Extractive Industries and Development

The extractive industries play an increasingly significant role in the economic activity of developing and middle...
The extractive industries play an increasingly significant role in the economic activity of developing and middle income countries. A new UNU-WIDER project l...

How little people can make a big difference | Charlie Cooper | TEDxJCUCairns

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Charlie Cooper is a nine year old boy who is wiser than his years. ...

Foreign Policy in the Future: Adam Hinds at TEDxShelburneFalls

"If technology has changed everything, why hasn't diplomacy changed?" Adam explains why governments need to adjust...
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Everything you always wanted to know about culture | Saba Safdar | TEDxGuelphU

SABA F. SAFDAR is an Iranian-born Canadian-educated Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at the...
SABA F. SAFDAR is an Iranian-born Canadian-educated Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Guelph in Ontario. She moved to Can...

Organic Sustainable Farming is the Future of Agriculture | The Future of Food

In this film, organic market gardeners Frank and Josje talk about why the supermarket system doesn't work and how...
In this film, organic market gardeners Frank and Josje talk about why the supermarket system doesn't work and how Community Supported Agriculture fits into a new story for food growing. CSA members help farmers to grow the best quality vegetables and to nurture healthy soils by committing to receive a vegetable box every week for a season.
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