Education for disaster preparedness

Von Nansy Edwadrs in Katastrophenmanagement & Hilfe 1704 Aufrufe 7th Oktober 2016 Video Dauer: 00:03:10
Education for disaster preparedness can provide life-saving and life-sustaining information and skills that protect in particular children and young people d...

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Homelessness Video with facts and statictics

PSP video for homeless simulation night.

Redesigning education for the future | Marjo Kyllönen | TEDxHamburg

Marjo Kyllönen at TEDxHamburg ( on redesigning education for the future. Since 2004, Dr Marjo...
Marjo Kyllönen at TEDxHamburg ( on redesigning education for the future. Since 2004, Dr Marjo Kyllönen is the Education Manager at General...

You're Homeless... Now What? | Martha Stone | TEDxPiscataquaRiver

What does homelessness look like, and who does it effect? Martha Stone, the executive director of a 96-bed homeless...
What does homelessness look like, and who does it effect? Martha Stone, the executive director of a 96-bed homeless shelter, shares the stories of a few resi...

Gay & Religious

Thanks to Tourism Vancouver: Big thank you...
Thanks to Tourism Vancouver: Big thank you to IGLTA: Big thank ...

Rural Development in India

This Lecture talks about Rural Development in India

How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries

Adam Savage erklärt zwei spektakuläre Beispiele tiefgründig wissenschaftlicher Entdeckungen, die einfachen,...
Adam Savage erklärt zwei spektakuläre Beispiele tiefgründig wissenschaftlicher Entdeckungen, die einfachen, kreativen Methoden entstammten, die jeder von uns...

Violation of Indigenous People's Rights in the Philippines

Part 2 of 4 Original Air Date: 8/11/2015 Indigenous communities in the Philippines are in a continuous struggle to...
Part 2 of 4 Original Air Date: 8/11/2015 Indigenous communities in the Philippines are in a continuous struggle to protect their history, culture, & their an...

Valuing Heritage | Justin Gunther | TEDxSavannah

As individuals we attach value to places through our memories. Those memories and their associated values guide...
As individuals we attach value to places through our memories. Those memories and their associated values guide feelings about what places are worth saving. ...

TEDxNASA - Bruce Wielicki - Climate Change: Fact And Fiction

Clouds affect the energy Earth receives, keeps and emits back to space -- it's all a matter of balance. Dr. Bruce...
Clouds affect the energy Earth receives, keeps and emits back to space -- it's all a matter of balance. Dr. Bruce Wielicki is senior scientist for Earth scie...
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