Redesigning education for the future | Marjo Kyllönen | TEDxHamburg

Von Martin Evans in Bildung & Erziehung 1603 Aufrufe 14th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 00:16:30
Marjo Kyllönen at TEDxHamburg ( on redesigning education for the future. Since 2004, Dr Marjo Kyllönen is the Education Manager at General...

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Beautiful Tiny Turf Houses in Iceland - Full Tour & Interview

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In this video we tour a traditional Icelandic turf house at the Islenski Baerinn Turf House museum ( Turf houses are the ...

Syrian refugee family in Cleveland: ‘Today we cannot go outside’

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Donald Trump's calls to ban Syrian and Muslim refugees from entering the country has been a centerpiece of his campaign. This week, he will be formally named...

Water: Think Again | Kaveh Madani | TEDxKish

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TEDxOttawa - Natasha Kyssa - Let Food Be Thy Medicine

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World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive)

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Global Wealth Inequality - What you never knew you never knew

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Sir Ken Robinson - Revolutionizing Education from the Ground Up

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Why children need science and technology. | Netra Unni Rajesh | TEDxMississauga

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Netra Unni Rajesh built her first real science lab in her parents' basement when she was just 14. She went on to study and perform research at the University of Toronto, MIT and CalTech. Now she shares her ideas about how to inspire our youth to pursue STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

The Scientific Landscape of Healthy Eating | Dr. Mike Israetel | TEDxSpringfield

When your health is a top priority, trying to make sense of all the information on nutrition can be quite...
When your health is a top priority, trying to make sense of all the information on nutrition can be quite confusing.In this talk, Dr. Mike Israetel summarize...
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