Defeating Earthquakes: Ross Stein at TEDxBermuda

Von Kathleen Tarrance in Katastrophenmanagement & Hilfe 2093 Aufrufe 12th Januar 2018 Video Dauer: 00:19:59
Ross Stein is a geophysicist with the US Geological Survey in California, who studies how earthquakes interact by the transfer of stress. He wants everyone t...

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Sustainable development: what, where and by whom?: Kitty van der Heijden at TEDxHaarlem

Sustainable development has been the red line in Kitty van der Heijdens'carreer. After working for the UN, she is...

Sustainable development has been the red line in Kitty van der Heijdens'carreer. After working for the UN, she is now director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ambassador for sustainable development. She will represent the Netherlands in the upcoming Rio plus 20 earth Summit in June 2012. An international conference organised by the UN 20 years after the first UN conference on sustainable development in Rio. At TEDxHaarlem Kitty van der Heijden will take us on a journey through international sustainable development conferences.


The Power of Our Food Choices: Lauren Ornelas at TEDxGoldenGatePark

Lauren Ornelas discusses the power of our food choices at TEDxGoldenGatePark. Lauren became a vegan in high school,...
Lauren Ornelas discusses the power of our food choices at TEDxGoldenGatePark. Lauren became a vegan in high school, where she started her first animal-rights...

The part of global warming no one wants to talk about | Johnny Silver | TEDxLFHS

We've heard about the melting ice caps and the polar bears - but what about giant jellyfish? Student Johnny Silver...
We've heard about the melting ice caps and the polar bears - but what about giant jellyfish? Student Johnny Silver dives into the the part of global warming ...

Economics, Democracy, & The New World Order | Danny Quah | TEDxKL

The west historically have been dominating the global economy. With the rise of China and Asia, how would the world...

The west historically have been dominating the global economy. With the rise of China and Asia, how would the world change with the new center of economy being a non Western and European focus. Danny Quah is Professor of Economics and International Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Director of the Southeast Asia Centre at LSE’s new Institute of Global Affairs. He had previously served as LSE’s Head of Department for Economics and Council Member on Malaysia’s National Economic Advisory Council.


5 ways to listen better | Julian Treasure

In unserer zunehmend lauten Welt sagt Geräuschexperte Julian Treasure: "Wir verlieren unser Hören". In diesem...
In unserer zunehmend lauten Welt sagt Geräuschexperte Julian Treasure: "Wir verlieren unser Hören". In diesem kurzen, faszinierenden Vortrag teilt Treasure f...

How to crowdsource a refugee rights strategy | Stephen Manning | TEDxMtHood

Attorney Stephen W. Manning is a founding partner of Immigrant Law Group PC and the founder and director of the...
Attorney Stephen W. Manning is a founding partner of Immigrant Law Group PC and the founder and director of the Innovation Law Lab, a non-profit that combine...

How human rights can save the planet | Roger Cox | TEDxLeiden

Attorney Roger H.J. Cox touches our heart, soul and mind using an ancient and thought-provoking Inuit story of...
Attorney Roger H.J. Cox touches our heart, soul and mind using an ancient and thought-provoking Inuit story of caribous, wolves and men to explain how the la...

Cambridge Analytica boss under fire from MPs

The boss of the controversial data company Cambridge Analytica is under fire from MPs tonight. Alexander Nix is...

The boss of the controversial data company Cambridge Analytica is under fire from MPs tonight. Alexander Nix is accused of making false statements when he gave evidence to parliament last month. Tonight we have new evidence, which appears to contradict Mr Nix's evidence to MPs about his company's use of the Facebook data. Andy Davies reports.


How Sexism Affects us all | Julia Hardy | TEDxYYC

Julia Hardy tells us how she uses humour to combat endemic online sexism, and explains how the actions of this small...
Julia Hardy tells us how she uses humour to combat endemic online sexism, and explains how the actions of this small percentage of men not only adversely aff...
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